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{The scene cuts to the Wolfpack dressing room where Kurt and Crystal are standing by the door. Crystal is getting ready to go to a scheduled interview.}

Kurt Angle - Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?

Crystal Owens - No, I'll be alright, just stay here and relax.

Kurt Angle - Okay, bye baby.

{They kiss and Crystal opens the door, heading out. Before Kurt has a chance to close the door, Troy walks in.}

Kurt Angle - Hey, welcome back, buddy!

Troy Thomson - Yeah, thanks... been a bit since I've been back.

Kurt Angle - No doubt, you and your brother have been ghosts lately! How are things going?

Troy Thomson - Well enough. Some stuff has been crazy, but besides that, it has been pretty good. How about yourself?

Kurt Angle - Not too bad, but I have another deadbeat opponent in hiding. Michael Lansing's way of showing me how much he cares! Speaking of crazy, I got a pretty strange call from Bret the other night and he won't tell me what it's all about. Any idea what's going on?

Troy Thomson - Yeah, but it's for Fox to tell, and not up to me. All I can say is that things are better now then they were then.

Kurt Angle - That's basically what Bret told me. But as long as everything is okay, I can respect Fox's privacy. Did you hear Jake whining AGAIN about what you did at High Heat?

Troy Thomson - Troy: Yeah. He's a big cry baby. All he does is complain.

Kurt Angle - I got the same thing from HBK, but I guess we should be used to it from those two!

{Kurt closes the door and walks over to sit on the couch.}

Troy Thomson - No kidding. I'm really sick of hearing him talk about how great he thinks he is. What has he done? Really, I mean look at his World Title reign. The only people he beat were rookies, jobbers, and has beens.

Kurt Angle - It's true! Tajiri and Fox were the only good things that 9th Circle ever had. The rest of them rode on their coat tails!

Troy Thomson - Tajiri made Jake. If it wasn't for Tajiri, neither Jake nor HBK would have gotten a foothold, and they'd still be swilling in the lower ranks.

Kurt Angle - As far as I'm concerned they're both about as low as one can get! I think I understand better than anyone else why you did what you did. I had to do what I did to HBK too, I am so sick and tired of all the cheap shots. Seems it's all he can do!

Troy Thomson - Thats all HBK has anymore. He can't win fair, so he cheap shots. He just doesn't like getting a taste of his own medicine. Jake is still bitching about losing to Wolf, and now he's beating the shit out of the fact that he lost again. He keeps trying to play sympathy, but in truth, he just can't cut it.

{Kurt gets up again and grabs two beers from the mini-fridge. He tosses one to Troy and opens his, taking a swig. He sits back down on the couch.}

Kurt Angle - They both seem to need an excuse every time they lose. HBK has been making excuses for so long he's started repeating them. Jake just whines about the same crap over and over again!

Troy Thomson - Jake is a punk, and at Fallout Series, I'll prove it. He keeps talking shit about how I attacked him, instead of facing him man to man, but does anyone really think he would accept my challenge, or blow it off on the pretense that he has better things to do, when really, hes just scared?

Kurt Angle - He'll deny it, but I really couldn't see him accepting without the incentive you gave him. When was the last time he accepted a match against someone with talent?

Troy Thomson - Don't know... he never accepted the match vs. Wolf, but just had to face him. He would have never accepted my challenge, so I had to get his attention. Now he can't get away from it.

Kurt Angle - I'd like to take a piece of him, but I can't see him going into a match with me willingly. I know for a fact that Michael Lansing won't book it as long as Jake's nose is that far up his ass!

Troy Thomson - I was shocked that Lansing signed the match for Fallout Series. I figured I'd have to go to the Board, but he was smiling when he signed it.

Kurt Angle - Yeah, you might want to be careful there. Lansing doesn't usually look that smug unless he's up to something!

Troy Thomson - Yeah I thought about that too, but if you know Lansing, no ally is sacred, so he may see this as a chance to be rid of him, or take out a main rival. I don't know, and I don't really care, because I know I can handle Jake, no matter what's thrown at me.

Kurt Angle - I have no doubt about that either, and you know that IF something goes down, we've got your back against any outside interferance.

Troy Thomson - I know that. Wolfpack always watches out for one another. Jake nor Lansing know what they've gotten themselves into.

Kurt Angle - To be honest with you, I don't think anyone in ICW really understands what the Wolfpack is all about. They're all talking about how we need each other to win all the time, but they have nothing to back it up with. But I think they're starting to realize that we are too powerful to take down.

Troy Thomson - Yeah, we've lost one match in how many months? And name one time when a Wolfpack member has interfered in another member's match. People are just jealous.

Kurt Angle - That's exactly what I keep asking people to do when they bring it up, and nobody ever has an answer. If anything, Wolfpack members are the ones who have been the victims of attacks by multiple people. Somehow we still come out on top. I guess that explains the jealousy.

Troy Thomson - No doubt. Wolf knows how to pick people, and make them into an indestructible force.

Kurt Angle - No doubt about it, your brother is a great judge of talent and character. I've never felt more successful than I have since A$$ joined The Wolfpack!

Troy Thomson - Yeah. This version of Wolfpack is by far the most dominant. Perhaps the most dominant in ICW history.

Kurt Angle - And probably the most dominant group in the entire history of professional wrestling. The Four Horsemen, DX, Evolution, none of them came even close to our level of success. And it's because we're like family, we work well together.

Troy Thomson - No doubt.

Kurt Angle - Anyway, Tensions Rising and Fallout Series will prove to everyone beyond the shadow of a doubt that Jake Bones and Shawn Michaels are nothing but a couple of overrated pussies!

Troy Thomson - Well said. You know, when you beat HBK, it'll leave me as the only Wolfpack male who hasnt beaten HBK. Of course I havent faced him yet either. Maybe he will be next on my list after Jake.

Kurt Angle - You might as well make it unanimous. Bret and I will have to do the same thing with Jake if he ever has the guts to step in the ring with us.

Troy Thomson - I doubt he will, unless he's put there against his will. He's such a puss.

Kurt Angle - I imagine we'll have to wait until Smokey gets ICW back.

Troy Thomson - Well I plan on ending Jake once and for all, so I don't think you'll get the chance.

Kurt Angle - Fair enough. It's not like I'm overly excited about the idea of wasting my time on him anyway. Do what you have to do, and I'll just sit back and laugh as it happens.

Troy Thomson - Sounds good. I think it's really funny that he thinks I'm hiding. He can come find me any time he wants.

Kurt Angle - You've never been the type to hide or back down from any challenge. I think he's using that as an excuse not to run into you.

Troy Thomson - Yup. Just because I'm handling other things doesn't mean I won't answer a challenge. I don't back down from anyone, and I sure as hell don't run or hide.

Kurt Angle - Especially from a pussy like him! I have noticed that it's been a while since HBK showed his face though.

Troy Thomson - He's too busy crying about beating Dave, and then watching him win the World Title. If you ask me, I am enjoying him not being around. Makes for a less annoying experience.

Kurt Angle - Oh, it's not bothering me either, it's been a long time since anyone's been the victim of a cheap shot. He sure didn't like the taste of his own medicine I gave him at High Heat though!

Troy Thomson - Kinda how Jake didn't like getting "screwed" but sure didn't mind trying to do it to Wolf. Kinda hypocritical dont you think?

Kurt Angle - It's the MO for both of them. They seem to think they can do whatever they want but nobody has a right to do it back to them.

Troy Thomson - Sad isn't it?

Kurt Angle - Quite.

Troy Thomson - You know what's kinda funny though? I've expected Jake to retaliate on me all week. I mean, it's within his right to, but yet, nothing. I think he's scared. Maybe he might be biding his time, but honestly, I think hes afraid to.

Kurt Angle - Well it doesn't look to me like you're "in hiding" right now, so I can't think of any other reason he hasn't done something yet.

Troy Thomson - I smell pussy...

Kurt Angle - And it stinks!

{Troy and Kurt laugh. Kurt's cell phone rings and he looks at the number on the display.}

Kurt Angle - I gotta take this, but I'll catch up with you later, okay?

Troy Thomson - Cool man, I'll be around.

Kurt Angle - Cool.

{Kurt answers his phone as he leaves the dressing room for some privacy. The scene fades.}

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