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Grad and grad dinner pics
WNEC Tennis Pics
New Years Eve
Party Pics
WNEC Pictures
Prom 2003 Pictures

OK so this site has pictures up from senior year up until now. senior year was awesome! thanks to all who made it unforgettable. i will always remember the "locker room mixes" When dyke dressed up as a bunny for Halloween. when the physics mousetrap car was due and people stayed over at the school.
and then there was the physics final project.
hearing bouch say "up next TEAM WURF C'MON NICKAH"...priceless
also seeing frank have honey and feathers thrown on him and then chase sean through the parkinglot...also priceless...
but above all of that our car worked and almost won and we put 15 mins into it...nothing can top that feeling haha!

The beginning of the summer was awesome until molz and i got the shittiest job you could ever imagine..haha. that really brought my summer down, but the summer had its moments. chilling out at the beach, hanging out at boston billiards. everyone coming to my house at the end of the summer was a great way to end things. i love all of you guys and hope everyone is doing well. BG'03!!

backgrounds by mevam

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