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Englands Rose

The Magic of a Moment…

One shining magic moment
The world stopped in surprise
As we saw the way it could be
When we looked into her eyes.
We watched in awe and wonder
As she cast her magic spells
Over hopelessness and heartache
In a place where sorrow dwells…
The touch of gentle magic
In a tender loving hand
Gave a healing to the spirit..
That a heart could understand..
The magic of a moment..
Shining always in my mind..
Of a woman and a princess...
And…. The light she left behind…

Maria Lindberg
Copyright 2001

Dedicated to
Diana, Princess of Wales

Pink Ribbons Crusade
"A Date With Diana"

Her Rose Garden 2003

Roses for Diana

For Bonnie Masterson

In Diana’s Garden
Built with hope and planted seeds..
Is the love of all her people..
And …
Their honor for her deeds.

In this garden I am planting...
Made with love for England’s Rose™...
All the roses named in memory….
Her life in bloom compose.

Princess Charming™ graces…
All the paths along the way…
To the spire inside the fountain…
Her people come to pray.

Called The People’s Princess ™
This I named with special pride…
For the hope she gave her people…
And ….
The love she didn’t hide.

Shy Di ™brought a memory
Of the day the people met...
A sweet and gentle Princess...
The world will not forget.

One is named in honor
Of a lovely Royal Bride™…
And the day the world was breathless
Her Prince stood at her side.

Dazzling Di™ the woman…
Sparkled with an inner light…
No brighter star in heaven…
Light up a summer night.

The Queen of Hearts™ forever…
Written in the wind and sky…
By the hands of loving people
The world bade her goodbye.

Candle in the Wind™ they say,
Described her too short life..
A tribute to a Princess gone...
Mother, friend, and wife.

The last I named For MUMMY™
And a mother passed away...
For her sons in grief and honor…
They walked with her that day.

And now I'll plant the roses…
Made of love and fairy tales…
And the blooms will tell the story
Diana...Princess...of Wales™...

Maria Lindberg ©2001

All the roses in this poem
Will be planted in Diana's Rose Garden
And the names are all owned
Bonnie Masterson
I used them with her permission..

Thank you Shari
For the use of
Your beautiful web set