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The Cottington's Home Page

It Has Been Awhile Since Our Last Update!
Bronwyn Just Turned 17 Months Old! My How Time Flies! THIS UPDATE HONORS HER FIRST BIG GIRL HAIRCUT! The Summer is upon us and the Virginia Cottington Bed & Breakfast is in full swing! All Are Welcome!!

Below a video clip of Bronwyn should load automatically. The clip and sound aren't too long this time but depending on your internet connection they may take a little while to load -- be patient. You can watch the status of the loading by watching the status bar move from left to right below the viewing box! When it is finished loading, click on the play arrow and watch the clip. Enjoy!
We'd love to hear from you

Thanks, Rick, Lisanne and Bronwyn!

Thanks for visiting!


Click at Links Below for Photos

First Haircut Pictures
Naked Baby Shots
Some December Photos
Halloween Pictures