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{As ICW returns from a commercial break, the arena goes dark and the fans become silent. As several red spotlights circle around the arena and "Hart Attack" plays, the fans jump to their feet in an enormous ovation. As the spotlights all come together at the top of the stage, the ovation gets louder as the fans see Bret Hart illuminated in the entrance. The stage lights up with fireworks and pyros as The Hitman raises the TV Title high above his head, drawing an even louder ovation from the ICW Faithful. As the smoke from the pyros clears, Bret makes his way down the ramp, slapping the hands of the fans who have gathered around the barriers. He is wearing his wrestling gear under his trademark leather jacket and a pair of pink wrap-around shades. The TV Title is now draped over his left shoulder. As The Hitman reaches the ringside area, he circles the ring once, shaking hands with the fans. He removes his shades and puts them on a little boy in the front row, who smiles excitedly. Bret climbs the steps and enters the ring, moving to the center and once again holding his newly won TV Title high above his head. The fans nearly blow the roof off the arena. As the lights come back on, Bret gets a mic from a stage hand. The music stops, but Bret has to wait for the fans to calm down before he can speak.}

Bret "Hitman" Hart - There is a defining moment in evry superstar's career when he or she either knows that they will be at the top one day or that they're just not championship material. Some discover that they are not going to the top, but they still have a place in this business, others figure out that maybe another industry would be better for them. In my case, I've had one of these moments everywhere I go, but I have never experienced it as many times anywhere else as I have here in ICW. Because you see, every time I make my way down to this ring, I here the reaction I receive from each and every one of you and I know that one day I will represent you all as the ICW World Champion!

{The fans cheer loudly in agreement.}

Bret "Hitman" Hart - And I am also proud to be your ICW TV Champion, it's an accomplishment that means so much to me. But I want to talk about a defining moment for someone else. See it seems to me that my opponent on Karnage doesn't seem to have had one of these moments, either that or he just didn't understand what it meant. It's also possible that he did understand but he decided not to pay any attention, which is a big mistake. Because if K-Oz had ever had and understood one of these moments, he would have just given up and left ICW by now!!!

{This draws another gigantic pop from the fans.}

Bret "Hitman" Hart - But that's what I hope to acheive when I defend this title against K-Oz tonight, I want to give him that final defining moment by beating him so badly that he finally gets the point. The point being that he just can't cut it around here!

{The ICW Faithful once again give Bret a positive response.}

Bret "Hitman" Hart - K-Oz, you need to listen to these people, they're sending you a message. The most important force in the survival of ICW is basically telling you to go to hell. But nobody can force you to take the hint, so I'll just have to do everything in my power to drive that hint into your skull. This isn't about defending the TV title for me, because to be quite honest, there's no chance of this title going anywhere, it's going to remain around The Hitman's waist. So for me, tonight is about schooling you in the ring and showing you that you're not in my league and you never will acheive that height!

But the other thing I want you to understand is that it's okay that you're not cut out for ICW, it's nothing to cry over. There are a lot of other roads you can take in life, roads you may travel successfully. You could try garbage collection, I bet you'd be great at that since it's what comes out of your mouth everytime you open it. Or maybe you could try the postal service you can actually deliver accurate information for the first time in your life. But if you want an immediate job offer, I have the perfect opportunity for you, K-Oz. You can still be a part of ICW and even be close to this title that will never be yours. All you have to do is shine my boots, since you belong on your knees at my feet anyway. But you'll see after our match tonight that you were put on this earth to worship The Hitman, because by the time I'm done with you, you will be kneeling in front of me begging for mercy!

{Bret pauses again as the fans give another huge pop.}

Bret "Hitman" Hart - The bottom line, K-Oz, is that you are about to get the beating of your life and there's only one thing you can do to avoid it. Don't show up! Just pack your bags and leave ICW once and for all and you won't have to endure the humiliation you're going to feel if you step in that ring. Of course I know you're not bright enough to comprehend all this, and that's great, because I am looking forward to using you as a punching bag tonight. K-Oz, you are going to be excellently executed, and by the time I'm done, even you will be able to understand why I am the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be. And that's not conceit, it's not just confidence, K-Oz. It's absolutely CORRECT!!!

{"Hart Attack" plays again as Bret drops the mic and the ICW Faithful breaks into another enormous ovation in support of The Hitman. He climbs to the middle ropes in each corner, raising the TV Title high, each time increasing the volume of the cheers from the fans. As Bret heads up the ramp, he stops at the top of the stage to raise the title one last time, bringing the noise level to an all time high. As he disappears to the back, ICW cuts to another commercial break.}

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