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Location On the Dahab coast, next to the Lagona Hotel
Access By car from Dahab, then shore entry
Average Depth 12m (40ft)
Visibilty 20m (65ft)

The Islands
The Islands is a dense concentration of coral pinnacles and patch reefs in a sheltered location along the Dahab shore - a labyrinthine range of peaks, valleys, corridors, sand patches, bowls, amphitheaters, deep wells and coral peaks. This intricate seascape is densely covered with absolutely pristine coral; the reef practically glows with a jewel-like quality. The range, condition and density are awesome - probably the most diverse and well-preserved selection of coral in the Sinai area. Every conceivable hard coral is present, with a diversity of soft coral to match.

Stunning as the coral is, it is rivaled by the fish life - huge schools of barracuda, snapper, surgeon and unicornfish vie with scintillatingly colored reef species. Sea bream, emperors, big triggerfish, rabbitfish, birdnose wrasse and a hundred and one other species round out the picture, with the occasional turtle thrown in for good measure. One particular highlight is a large, sand-bottomed amphitheater halfway along the reef, where giant schools of immature barracuda congregate, circling like a flashing silver tornado.