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Mindy A Butler 

No matter what comes or what goes in my life, there is one thing I know for sure; and that is Jesus is the lover of my soul.

Over the course of my life I have achieved many things.   The awards that I have received have been numerous.  They range from perfect attendance to a medallion for outstanding leadership from the US Army.  With all that and the success here in school, until recently I wondered,  “Who am I really and what is my purpose?”  So with that in mind this web page is about my purpose and me.



Jesus is my first love, and poetry is my second.  I have some work online at

Growing up I was unable to express my feelings verbally so I always expressed them in my writing.  Because of that I have made it through not only many hardships, but also school assignments as well. 


My purpose:

To inspire other individuals, no matter young or old

To educate people about God’s word

To be a warrior in the Kingdom of God and let the enemy know who is running things

To preach the word so that every life that it touches will be changed




Inspiring Others

I find great joy in inspiring others. As I reflect over my life I think about how often I suddenly find myself engaged in conversations with people and sometimes strangers bearing their soul to me.  I thank God that I have an ear to listen and to hear from Him.  Although I may not always know what to say, as I open up my mouth God speaks for me and the right words seem to always come out.  I guess people just feel like they can trust me; that brings confidence to me and peace to them.

Teaching Others

Teaching God’s word is not easy, however I enjoy doing it.  I have been doing so for at least ten years.  The beauty of being a teacher is to be able to learn as well.  Teaching the word to others I have learned from studying, and my students bringing certain things to my attention and I think, “never thought of it that way.”  Knowing the Word brings about strength and strength allows you to be able to fight against the enemy.  If you would like to do some studying while online you can visit

I Got My War Clothes On

So many times Christians walk around feeling defeated and hopeless.  But why is that?  We sing “our hope is built on nothing less, then Jesus blood and righteousness,” and when we are faced with adversity we act like punks and cry instead of quoting the Word.  We already have the victory and authority over the enemy.  Last time I checked I serve a BIG God what about you?  The bottom line is we must be confident in who we are and not be afraid to exercise the power God has given us to be conquerors.

The Anointing Makes the Difference

Being a minister, chosen of God is definitely not easy.  However, I would not trade it for the world. I feel like it is an honor to carry God’s word.  So many people has been an inspiration to me in my ministry; letting me know how blessed they are by me allowing God to speak through me.  I pray that as I minister to people that what I say may cause a change in their life.  Not because of me, but so that God can be glorified.  If someone were to ask me why do I enjoy preaching, my response would be I love seeing people being delivered and blessed by God because the WORD is strong enough to stand on it’s own.


If you have any questions or comments, feel free to e-mail me at