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Fire House

My Favorite things

Hi im kenny to tell you a little bit about my self im an 18 year old firefighter. Im a college student. Im in love with this girl Ashley and she now has a boyfriend. It hurts real bad to know shes not mine but i guess ill get over it one day. At least i got to date her for a week I couldn,t ask for a better week. Not many people find someone that makes them happy everyday but im just lucky I guess. Shes increadible she makes me laugh just talking to her and hearing her sweet voice cheers me up no matter how bad the day is, and whats even better I make her laugh to I cant figure it out. I find the girl of my dreams and shes got a boyfriend. I think you know how i feel. Where is it in gods plan that you meet the girl for you and shes got a boyfriend, its kinda shity, but i guess everything happens for a reason right. O well if you want to hear about Ashley click on the link. Also check out my pictures when i get them on here. Peace