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A Message From Me!!!
To you people out there

Hey!! Hi!! How are ya doing??!!
Anyways, I would like to thank all of you out there, who have visited my Radio Active website.. I made this website to show my love for one of the many great Canadian made shows, Radio Active.. I enjoy the show alot because I think the idea is original, there are very funny actors and actresses who got chosen to be a part of it, and mostly pretty much every episode deals with issues that preteens/teenagers deal with in everyday life, like school, friends, family, etc... It's a show that is likely to make you (atleast) crack a smile..

On all the bio pages for the actors/actresses, I have recieved the information of the people, from the actors/actresses themselves, and I would really like to thank them.. You people have helped me out the most, and I would like to give a big THANK YOU, to the (again)actors/actresses who have been kind enough to allow me to post your bios up, and who have been kind enough to answer my e-mails!! again, THANK YOU!!!
And thank you again, to the actors/actresses themselves, and everybody who created the show Radio Active.. With out them, this website would not exist altogether!!!

Also, I can't forget my friends who have supported me, through the making of my website.. (lol!! Sounds so cheesy, doesn't it??!!)

Cha!! This is kind of a sappy message, but whatever!! Hey!! What are you going to do about it??!! It's my webpage!!!!! LoL.. j/j....
gotta go!!
keep it real!!
