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Lesbian "symbols"

Just curious.. I was talking to my flatmate last night & the topic of "how do you tell if a girl is gay" came up (my roommate is straight). Anyhow - she said one way she knew about me was cos I wear a ring on my thumb!! I've always worn a ring there because I like to be a bit different/unique - not out of any lesbian symbology (new word I just made up). She said all her gay women friends wear rings on their thumbs. Why? Andrea thought it was a sexual thing - like a thumb was "our" phallic symbol. I laughed at that one for about 10 minutes - but I have no answer myself. Anyone??

Another one is toe rings. I wear two toe rings - one on each foot. When I was in Lebanon with Cath a "well-meaning" Lebanese guy stopped me in the street to warn me that in Germany that was a sign of a (gasp!) Lesbian!! "Cool", I thought & left them on. Still wear two cos I like them. Any truth to that one either??

Any other lesbian symbols out there I should be aware of?? I find this quite interesting that straight people are "educating" me...or at least, highly amusing me!

as for other symbols. I am completely clueless. I have been wrong soooooooooooooooo many times with my guessing who's gay and who's not that i have given up trying for the most part. I have NO gaydar what-so-ever. there has got to be a universal hand shake we can all agree upon, right?

ok let's see.....
short fingernails
lots of small silver hoops in ears
wearing a labyris/double women symbol lambda/ rainbow/black or pink triangle
army boots/Doc Martins (specially with shorts)
the hair style
no make up
the way they walk/strut
the way they smile/acknowledge you

These sound stereotypical.....but I admit that I still look for these things when meeting a new woman. It is tough though this day & age. Some of my closest friends do not "look" lesbian at all. I don't....and when I came out I wanted to in the worst way.

Gaydar is a powerful tool. You can develop it to a certain extent, but I think it's one of those things that you either have or you don't. But..those are things to look for anyway.'s all in the way you communicate it.

I have long curly hair and look quite femme. When I was single, I would insure that I gave off the right signals. I wore my double women symbol earrings, a rainbow pin, my P'Town tanktop, made sure my tattoo showed...that kinda thing. Eye contact is very important too, we can read lots in a moment of eye lock.

I really think that there is no longer the stereotypical lesbian......there's so many factions, so many women. Be who you wanna be, be who you are most comfortable being, and when that is accomplished, you won't believe the vibes you send to other women!!!!!

yesterday at a bike race, this car with three women pulled up next to me...they had the rings, the hairstyle, the attitude. but then so do most bikers. saw them again after the race and as i pulled away, for some reason i made eye contact with one of them and we nodded to each other. it was so cool!

as for symbols... i wear a thumb ring, but so does my straight best friend... but sometimes i think she's not as straight as she thinks she is. and my gay best friend wears one too, so maybe there's something in that...

i also think piercings in unusual areas appeal to lesbians. not just the multiple rings in ears, although i see where that is evident, but also i think some lesbians like to be kinda "so here i am, deal with me" and go for less familiar things like labret piercings (fleshy bit between lower lip and chin) or tragus (bit of ear that protects earhole - not explaining very well).

and tattoos! i want one.

    1. the way she kisses her gf nah just kidding

we were at this mainstream pub having lunch , watching the people as you do. two women walked in, nothing to untoward about them, i said to the boss (re previous message about the term "wife") i betcha they are lesbians, boss said no way, then asked why i thought they were. it's the way we walk, which is a give away. you should just sit back watch us, we have a confident walk, a secure in who we are walk. it's just a walk.

anyway then more of their friends came in, and yep they were all lesbians, there was kissing and holding of hands.

maybe it is gaydar, but don't forget we were all straight at one stage, and nowadays, someone who is wearing comfortable shoes short hair and fingernails might be someone comfortable in this style

i still go by my belief that everyone is gay they just don't know it yet.

Actually, I am getting better at spotting them. I learned the real assume every woman you meet is a lesbian until they tell you otherwise!

I always wonder if someone watching me says to herself, "hmmm, I wonder if she is a lesbian?" I always wonder, do I have that walk? I've heard others talk about "the walk". I want it. It's funny, I have come to realize I do want people to know by looking at me, though I don't believe I go out of my way to "display" clues. What I have realized is that something that once caused me shame and made me want to hide in conformity is now a source of not pride, really, but a sense of who I am.