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Once upon a time on the Web ...

... a couple of beautiful lesbians from all over the world met on a message board in Dykesworld.
After a while we formed a friendship (and more), and wanted to post more than Dykesworld could handle.

So we created our own space:

The Mango Lounge

For a while there was also a sister board, The Lesbian Retreat.

Over the months, a wonderful community has emerged, and some beautiful relationships have come about.
This site is made up of bits and pieces from the two boards -
love and friendship, fun and laughter, help and support, information and thoughts.

See for yourself -
welcome to The Clearing!

More about the philosophy of our boards
Who we are - the women behind the nicks
In our own words - our poetry and prose
Equally in our own words - issues and inspirations
The Mango Dictionary
Bits and pieces from elsewhere
Is there a world outside The Clearing? - Assorted links
Is there anything else?

Latest additions (27 July 2001):

Mango Memories - Happy Second Anniversary Mango Lounge!
Mango Romances - who is the next in line?
Mango Bites - a taste of the outside world
In the meantime, a story... by Bean

**drum roll**
The Mango Moustache!
Or is it Mango Michia...? ;)

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