I have been hard at work on my robot, and I hope you have to! In this report I start to make my custom nicad packs, and mount the bearings and tires. There are allot of pictures this time so enjoy!

I liked the custom nicad packs in sublime2 so here I am rebuilding them for Sublime3, Sublime2 had a 14.4 volt 6 amp pack, the new robot will have a 28.8 volt, 8 amp pack, this is quite a bit more power, but the new motors need it... The left picture shows my table covered in nicads waiting to be made into new packs, the right picture shows my Astro flight 112D charger, and my Astroflight discharger.

I get my sub c cells from Black and Decker Fire Storm drill packs, the left image shows two packs that just had their plastic cases removed. The right image shows me dangling all the cells after braking a drill pack up.

The left image shows me starting to make a pack, the right image shows a completed pack awaiting soldering, there will be 4 packs this size in the robot. This is all the battery news I have for this report, look for more in the next!

Dan at Team Delta has solved my bearing problems by donating 4 of his ubber cool pillow blocks! Thanks Dan! Any way when I got them I decided the 1/4" mounting holes they came with are not beefy enough for my tastes, so I got some 3/8" bolts to mount them with, the left picture shows me comparing the big bolt to the little hole, the right picture shows me drilling the holes for the new bolts.

I then taped the holes I just drilled as the left picture shows. I then repeated these steps on the other 3 bearing blocks. With the gearing blocks out of the way I had to put in my axles, the didn't quite fit so I sanded them down in the lathe as the right picture shows.

When the axle was done I put one of my hubs on it and put it in the bearing block, perfect fit as the left picture shows! I then put a 5" by 1 1/2" colsen tire on it that I turned the hub down flat on, perfect fit also as the right picture shows.

I then put the setup down on the base to see how it looked, I think it looks good, the left image shows it. I then sanded down another axle, and made up another hub, axle, tire, and bearing setup and placed it on the other end of the base, looking good as the right picture shows!

Now I needed to bolt the bearing blocks down to the base (which is 1/4" 2024 BTW) I drilled the holes, but forgot to take pictures so sorry guys! I threaded the bolts in next as the left image shows. There all done shown by right picture.

I then bolted the other three bearing blocks on shown by left picture. Ok I then put the axles/hub in to see how it looks, pretty good! as shown by right image.

Ok I put all the axles/hubs in, put the the tires on, and then placed things where they will be going in the final product, shown by left image. The right image is a back view.

Next report will be about the chain reduction construction!

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