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Beth and Dan Got Married!!

Beth and Dan Got Married!!


Hello.... this is Beth and Dan's Wedding Page!! They Got Married!!! Their Wedding was on May 6th 2000.. They were Married In Southern Ohio... Dan Stokley moved from Salem, Oregon in September 1999 to be with his Wonderful Bride and is currently working in a little Post Office in Southern Ohio...Beth is Currently working as a Substitute teacher.. Beth and Dan are also Working on Their Network Development & E-Commerce Business


We met each other by the Grace of God!!! I had been praying for sometime that God would place one in my life that would be an equal match in my Christian Walk, and my Personal goals.... One thing that I failed to remember is that When God Blesses you it's often more than you expected!! :-) Beth and I met through the computer.. I was living in Oregon and she was living in Ohio.... We had talked on the phone for about a week and then we decided that I would come out to visit Ohio and see her for the first time!! It was about 2 months later that we met face to face.... I guess it was pretty obvious from there that we knew we would be together forever.... There was still many catches though to our distance... You can't exactly drive 2600 miles one way on a weekend visit... We prayed very hard about our situation at hand, and God continued to meet our every need... It was not easy all the time... there was a couple of weeks where we did not know the Fate of our Situation, but God had it all in hand, and had a plan for Me to move to Ohio just and hour away From my Wonderful Fiancee Beth!!! Many things happened for us on the Summer of 1999 and we are continuing on with the Wonderful Life that God has Blessed us with!!!

How we got Engaged

I was on a trip out to Ohio to visit with Beth for a couple of days, and then we were scheduled to come back to Oregon so she could meet my Family!!! I had planned about 3 weeks prior to the Trip to get Beth an Engagement Ring... I just had not locked in on where or when I was going to give it to her... I was also going to discuss our Marriage with her Mother Sue when I came out to visit... I was mainly flying out so I could fly back with Beth to Oregon.. it was her first time on an airplane, and I was her support... I was going to ask Beth to marry me when we got back to Oregon, but I just could not wait until then, so I asked Sue over the phone if I could marry her daughter when I came out there.... Much to Beth's surprise soon as I arrived in the Airport, I dropped to one knee and asked for her hand in marriage!! it was great.. I was a little nervous though.... I had many people around us, but it was like it was just her and I... nothing else mattered right then!!!

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