Welcome to CAMP ARAWAK!

Haven't you always wanted to go to summer camp? It seems like so much fun, doesn't it? It should be fun for Ricky and Angela. But it isn't very fun for Angela. You see, she's very shy and very quiet. Aunt Martha's little angel has been that way ever since she was about four years old... "Is there any chips?" Ricky asks his mother, Martha, impatiently. "Oh yes, I believe there's a WHOLE BAG!" she says, with her own brand of radiant cheerfulness. It doesn't seem to be catching, though. Angela still looks at the floor, quiet as a mouse. So they get to the camp. Ricky recognizes one of his friends, Paul, and he introduces her to his cousin, Angela. Then, Ricky sees his last-summer girlfriend, Judy, who is talking to a group of older boys. She gives him a rather cool reception. "Bitch!" Ricky says after the confrontation. Judy had snubbed him, thinking him immature.

Guess who's in Angela's cabin!

Judy, of course. Angela sits on her bed, staring into space. Vain Judy looks up, and catches Angela staring in her direction. "What are you looking at?" she snarls, her mouth turning into a vicious frown. Meg, the counsellor, strolls over to see what the problem is. "Angela there has a staring problem!" Judy snaps.

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