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My Poetry!

My peoms!

"I Swear"

I swear I'll be

There when the sun isn't shinning

When the walls are closing in on you

I'll be your shoulder to cry on

I swear I'll be

There when the rainbow finally appears

When you want someone to share your happiness and fears

I'll be there to listen

I swear I'll be

There by your side to the end

When you are on the bumpy path of life

I'll help you smoothen the road

I swear to be

There, loyal and honest by your side

When you need someone to talk with

I'll be there for you

I swear

If you'll just let me

Into your heart and

Let me be your friend

I swear

I'll never leave your side

Even after we have died

I'll be your shoulder to lean on

Let me into your heart

Let me into you soul

When you have done this

I'll be the first to know

"How Could You"

I'm so sad you

left me by myself.

How could you turn from me

without asking how I felt.

I trusted you to be there,

I thought you would always care,

turns you your not who I thought.

My sister told me to beware

but I ignored her didn't care.

Of all the things we could have had

you gave me a broken heart.


When you ask someone a question,

what answer to you want to get?

When they say the other choice

do you throw a fit?


Do you get so caught up emotionally?

And don't know where to turn?

Is there a lesson here to be learned?

Do you give your heart away,

without thinking first?

Because sometimes it will break

and tears will seem to burst.

You think that special person is the one

but it turns out he's not and then you

have to run,


You don't know what to do,

or where to turn.

All you know is that you cared,

but really you were scared.

All he did was break your heart,

are you better off apart?


Happiness is a rainbow

It smells like a bouquet of flowers

It tastes like handfuls of sweet berries

It sounds like the giggle of a child

It feels like a spring rain

It looks like an anxious puppy

Happiness is a sky without clouds


It's funny how we came to be

Me loving you and you loving me

But if the day comes

That we have to part

Please don't leave me

with a broken heart

I know there's a way

To still be friends

Without having any loose ends.


Why are we a million miles apart?

Why can't this be easy on the heart?

With you being there

And me being here

We've know each other not even a year

Why do I want you the way I do?

Is it because I really love you?

Wanting so badly to look in your eyes

Then maybe I could realize

how to relive the pain and hurt I have inside

Why is it that neither of us know what road to take?

Is it because it's a hard decision to make?

My Haiku Poems

If you don't know what a Haiku poem is these might not make sense!

A tiny baby

Inside a cozy cradle

left on a doorstep

Sitting all alone

Thinking of her happy child

That they took from her

She opens the door

Tears trickling down her face

Hugging her father

"Love me for who I am"

Can't you just love me for who I am even though

You wouldn't understand

The pain I feel inside.

One minute I think your

My friend

And the next minute I feel

The knife you have stabbed into my back

I don't know what I ever did

To deserve to be treated like shit

Maybe someday I'll find the right one

The one who will hold me and tell

Me everything is gonna be alright

I feel the tears rolling down my face

My breaths coming at a slower pace

Maybe this will be my last night

I think to myself, as I lie awake in bed

At times I don't want it to end

But why not nobody would care anyway

Can't you just love me for

Who I am and not for what

You want me to be?

"Who Will?"

Who will be there

When the sun isn't shinning

Who will be there

When the rains pouring down

Who will be there when

I can't find anybody

To share with the

Happiness I found

Will it be you?

Will you be there

When the sun isn't shinning

Will you be there when

The rains pouring down

Will you be there to share

With me the happiness I found

Because the happiness I

Will have found will be you!


I screamed as I was pushed from the 12-story building

I had the wings of a dove

I flew through the sky as if I had wings

I sailed along smoothly, but

Death Eagerly Awaits The Hour

And as my heart beats for the last time I feel my life swept from me

Warm as a winter rain

Six burns in to my soul like a hot knife

The sensual soul never settles

Bloody rose of hate

How many pedals are on this flower?

The taste of a rose is a bitter sweet love, long and forgotten,

Like a half-open doorway as the light seeps through

The Alcatraz prison took the lives of many

There hate was so hot it melted the flesh of screaming criminals

Her hate was congealed

Like the old man who was worn and rugged

Black would taste like cold water soothing your thoughts

Hate is the center of the soul it hath no light

I wrote this peom in thoughts of a friend of mine who has passed away

"Your Gone"

I often wonder why god took you away.
You hadn't lived very long.
Your smile could brighten up anyone's day,
your laughter remains in my memory.
I remember waking up the night it happened,
knowing something was wrong.
When I got to school the next day
somebody told me you were gone.
At first I didn't believe them,
thinking this is all a joke.
Then I heard the teacher say that my best friend had passed away.
All of a sudden everything wasn't so clear,
my mind went foggy
and I could feel tears
running down my face, dripping off my chin.
That day at school I will never forget.
We talked about all the good times we had together
and how much we would miss you.
I remember the day before you left.
It was time to go to the buses,
you were acting goofy and you walked out on your knees.
We talked on and on,
then about the things we never got to say.
I wish I could have told you
that you were my best friend,
that I would always be there 'till the end.
But, I guess the end came to soon for you,
because I never got to say the things I should have,
before you passed away.
*Let this be a reminder to you , don't ever leave your friends with angry words,
and tell them what they mean to you.
It may feel awkward but you never know
maybe tomorrow will be to late.
***I know it was for me.***

One of my friends poems!!!!!! Here it is Krafty, Sorry It's yellow I know you would have liked it to be blue but it is to hard to read.. here you are

"There She Goes"

By Krafty

The smell of Carman and the taste of the rainbow

When Crunch eats the lamp and begins to glow

Let's not forget there is Mike, Mike, Mike

That's a name we all seem to like

There's chicken nuggets, Spanky, Pluto and Mutt

The most beautiful eyes and that very nice butt

Harr, Hee, Honk, E

Here they come the Cruncheteers three

I'm a Caribbean


Won't you sing along with me

Ribbet, Ribbet

Captain, Budweiser, and of course there's boones

Let's not forget all the great tunes

To name a few there's Kid Rock, Lonestar, and Lil' Troy

All of this we seem to enjoy

I wanna be a balla, your still a bitch in my book

There's a sexy guy let's take a look

A number 5 of course with a shake

Doing cookies down by the lake

Crunch 'N' Munch or Munch 'N' Crunch or

Crunch Munch 'N' if you want it to be

Then there's the three that do TP

New Years Eve, Duluth, my house and Glen's

That's us three best friends

Howa, not even, just a big 'ol this, just a big 'ol that

Eww then there's Ernie a.k.a. Matt

My baby looks hot in his tennis shoes

He looks even better in his cowboy boots

"Ribbet, Ribbet" says Kermit the froggy

Then we hear Crunch "Ooh Ooh, Fat Augie"

Oh my gosh its DQ dude

He's the guy with attitude

"It's hangover" we say as we walk through the hall

Of course watch Krafty take another fall

Nolan walked by and she had to watch him pass

She got embarrassed caught looking at his ass

Tobey's working lets get a pop

Carman's working we have to stop

Then there's Bud-Wise and Er

Drivin around there's Brandon Neujahr

Chris and Steve on a chase

"Oh, there's a car that wants to race!"

The first time we drove we met Jim and Nate

September 17 was the date

There's so much to say and not enough room

But you all know or at least I assume

That some of our past

The memories will last

In the future there will be much more to come

Some will be serious, some will be dumb

Sadness and laughter between the three of us

Also lost with the five of us and others

Maybe someday us three will be mothers

Our kids will be cute of that I'm sure

Cause look at our men there looks are pure

Purely yummy, and purely good

I hope this is all understood

I hope you know this friendship will last

More in the future and memories of the past

Here are some other poems that are my favorite and that I have collected throughout the years


As the soot and dirt and ash rained down,

We became one color.

As we carried each other down the stairs of

the burning building, We became one class.

As we lit candles of waiting and hope,

We became one generation.

As the firefighters and police officers fought their

way into the inferno, We became one gender.

As we fell to our knees in prayer for strength,

We became one faith.

As we whispered or shouted words of

encouragement, We spoke one language.

As we gave our blood in lines a mile long,

We became one body.

As we mourned together the great loss,

We became one family.

As we cried tears of grief and loss,

We became one soul.

As we retell with pride the sacrifice of heroes,

We become one people.

"We Are"

One color, One class, One generation, One gender,

One faith, One language, One body, One family,

One soul, One people

We are the Power of One. We are United.

We are America.

"10 Things I Hate About You"

I hate the way you talk to me

and the way you cut your hair

I hate the way you drive my car

I hate it when you stare

I hate your big dumb combat boots

and the way you read my mind

I hate you so much it makes me sick

It even makes me rhyme

I hate the way you're always right

I hate it when you lie

I hate it when you make me laugh

Even worse when you make me cry

I hate it that you're not around

And the fact that you didn't call

But mostly I hate the way

I don't hate you

Not even close, not even a little, not even at all.

" A Day at the Beach"

It sounds so fun.

The sand, the water,

and the sun.

She was so innocent,

young and sweet.

She had the world

right at her feet.

Who would have known

that she would die,

leaving everyone she touched

She didn't know that today

was her last.

The current came up

too fast for sight,

but she didn't give up

without a fight.

Her funeral was the saddest

day of my life,

reality cut through me

like a knife.

In another place,

in another time-

Her life, no longer

a part of mine.


I'm trapped inside your head

and when I try and escape

you close your eyes

and I cant fit through

your eye lashes.

So I stay in your head

and let you try

and figure me out.

"Please God, I'm Only 17"

The day I died was an ordinary school day.

How I wish I had taken the bus.

But I was too cool for the bus.

I remember how I wheedled the car out of Mom.

"Special favor, " I pleaded. "All the kids drive."

When the 2:50 bell rang, I threw all my books in the locker.

I was free until 8:40 tomorrow morning!

I ran to the parking lot,

excited at the thought of driving a car and being my own boss.


I t doesn't matter how the accident happened.

I was goofing off-going too fast. Taking crazy chances.

But I was enjoying my freedom and having fun.

The last thing I remember was passing an old lady

who seemed to be going awfully slow.

I heard the deafening crash and felt a terrible jolt.

Glass and steel flew everywhere.

My whole body seemed to be turning inside out.

I heard myself scream.

Suddenly I awakened; it was very quiet.

A police officer was standing over me.

Then I saw a doctor. My body was mangled.

I was saturated with blood.

Pieces of jagged glass were sticking out all over.

Strange that I couldn't feel anything.

Hey! Don't pull that sheet over my head!

I can't be dead. I'm only 17.

I've got a date tonight.

I'm supposed to grow up and have a wonderful life.

Later I was placed in a drawer.

My folks had to identify me.

Why did they have to see my like this?

Why did I have to look at Mom's eyes

when she faced the most terrible ordeal of her life?

Dad suddenly looked like and old man. He told the man in charge,

"Yes, he is my son."

The funeral was a weird experience.

I saw all my relatives and friends walk toward the casket.

They passed by, one by one,

and looked at my with the saddest eyes I've ever seen.

Some of my buddies cried.

Please-somebody-wake me up!

Get me out of here!

I can't bear to see my mom and dad so broken up.

My grandparents are so racked with grief they can hardly walk.

My brothers and sisters are like zombies.

They move like robots. In a daze, everybody.

No one can believe this. I can't believe it.

Please don't bury me! I'm not dead!

I have a lot of living to do! I want to laugh and run again.

I want to sing and dance.

Please don't put me in the ground.

I promise if you give me one more chance,

God, I'll be the most careful driver in the whole world.

All I want is one more chance! Please God, I'm only17!

Where to go?

My Other Peotry Page
I wanna Go home!