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Firstly i'd like to welcome you to my little space of the net. It's nothing much and i probably wont have much tome to update and all but i'll try to do so at least once a month. If you'd like to know me better, just click my bios button on the left there.
I guess this site will basically be bout stuff i like. My hobbies, day to day life, stuff that interests me, ya know, all that kinda stuff. Pictures will be on later in the next update (hopefully). I've decided to make this site just cuz, well, cuz..........okay to maybe i've no real reason to make this site. I'd probably use it to voice out my feelings and stuff like that. Anywayz, feel free to surf round. E-mail me if u want, i'd really appreciate feedback from u guyz. Alwayz looking for friends ^_^ ......


(18/5/00) Currently i'm having my mid term exams and i cant say i enjoy it. Whoever heard having and exam that lasts almost a month. It's ridiculous. I cant wait for it to be over and done with. Come to think of it, i cant wait for SPM to be over.
In other news, i want to smash my computer mouse to a gazillion peices..THE BLOODY THING'S DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!!
(14/6/2001) Like i said, there wont be much updating. Maybe after SPM (for u guys who dont know what SPM is, it's a REALLY COLOSSAL, IMPORTANT EXAM kids in Malaysia have to take when they're 17). Soo far only the ME link works right now. MY FAMILY is still in progress and so are the others. Later!