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Dave's Rants and Raves.......

  • Back To Dave's Main Page !!! Ok This is the newest addition to my homepage as of Thursday, January 27,2000. It'll be a sort of what's hap'nin', rant and rave, random thought type-o thang.......I guess.

    Monday, February 1, 2003......Well, not TOOOOO much new, I just figured it's time I update this part. I went ice climbing this past weekend. It was veryyyy fun ! We're gearing up for this years Easter production entitled, "Dare To Draw Near". Some thing totally new, so it should be interesting. It takes a look at Jesus' life through the eyes of Nicademus. Oh yeah, I'm goin on a cruise through Alaska the end of June !

    Thursday, November 21, 2002.....I just got certified for open water SCUBA diving, so I went on a cruise and went diving in the Southern Caribbean with my buddy Skip from church. We had a blast. We flew into San Juan, Puerto Rico FIRST CLASS ! I booked coach, but the flight was overbooked, so we took the bump and rode the next flight FIRST CLASS and they gave us each a $500 travel voucher for our next trip!! WOOO HOOO !!! Anyway, after arriving in Puerto Rico, we got a hotel and hung out until the next day when we could hop on the Sea Princess ship. The ship left Puerto Rico and went to Barbados, St Lucia, St Maarten, Tortola-B.V.I., St Thomas-U.S.V.I., then back to San Juan. Overall it was a good time. Had some good food, met some nice people. The only thing is, there seemed to be a lot more older folks on there then the last cruise we took on Royal Caribbean-Voyager. Skip got his mask and new snorkel stolen in St Thomas so that was a huge drag. The only GOOD thing was that it was on the last day. To bad you have to watch all your stuff like a HAWK when you go away. OH, if anyone ever goes snorkeling, a REALLLLYYYYYYY cool think to do is bring oranges and bananas to feed the fish, they TOTALLY LOVVVEEEEE bananas !!!!!!!

    Wednesday, August 28 2002.....Woah ! It's been Ia while since I've put anything on here ! I guess nothing has really been too NEW, HUH ?!?!? Well, I've taken a few vacations. A bunch of us from church went on a cruise to the Western Caribbean. I have some pictures on here. I also took the "Rollercoaster road trip of a lifetime" with my buddy Skip. We went to 5 parks in 6 days and rode about 50 rollercoasters and various other adrenaline-raising rides. We went to King's Island, Cedar Point, and 6 Flags in Ohio. Then we went to Darian Lake in NY. Then off to Niagra Falls-Canada side, then off to Howe's Caves in NY, then to 6 Flags-Great Escape in NY, then home. It was a BLAST !!! No pictures, though. I DID just get a NEW digital camera, so there SHOULD be more pictures being posted on here!!! I can't believe the summer is over 8o( It was a good one,though !!! So now I'm thinking of a good winter time vacation! Any ideas???

    Saturday, February 2, 2001...........We just started rehearsals for the Easter play at my church called, Who Do You Say I Am? , to be performed in April. It is the same one we've been doing the last few years, and I will play the same part of Barabbas. If you would like more information, feel free to email me.

    Friday, June 2, 2000..............We will be doing a return engagement of the dinner theater "Papa's Place" at my church. Here's the schedule and info........ Thursday- June 15 @ 8:00 PM, Friday- June 16 @ 8:00 PM, Saturday- June 17 @ 2:00 PM(Dessert Matinee), Sunday- June 18 @ 7:00 PM. Doors open 30 minutes prior to showtime. Opening acts by "Face 2 Face" Fine Arts Students Ticket prices: Dinner $15 in advance- $20 at the door, Dessert Matinee $10 in advance- $12 at the door.

    Sunday, March 19, 2000............. My church is putting on a Easter Play called "Who Do You Say I Am?". I play Barabbas the Zealot. So, in case anyone is interested in seeing me wear a robe, make-up, and yell alot, (much like me in real life), here's some info........ The dates are in April: Saturday 8 & Sunday 9 at 7 PM, Thursday 13 & Friday 14 at 8 PM, Saturday 15 & Sunday 16 at 7 PM, Tickets are 3$ in advance and 5$ at the door. Also, we will be performing the dinner theater "Papa's Place" again on Father's Day weekend. I'll send another email with the times as soon as I know for sure, for those interested. GOD BLESS !!!!!

    Thursday, March 9, 2000..............I just got a new Vitamix machine !! It is very cool ! I can make KILLA' smoothies and frappuccinos in it! We are gearing up for the Easter play. It will be the two weekends before Easter. I will have more info on here when I get it. We are also planning on doing "Papa's Place" again on Father's Day weekend. I will also have more info on that when I get it. We were planning on going on the road to Michigan with it,but the plans got changed. We may go in the fall, sometime. Yet again, I will put all that info on here. Other than that, I'm just waiting for the weather to warm up to take the top off my Jeep and do some cruisin' !! Oh, I got a web cam, also, in case you didn't notice the link on the first page. GOD BLESS !!!!

    Thursday,January 27, 2000.........Well, we just finished the first dinner theater at my church called Papa's Place. It went well! I played Frank. I put some pictures on my site. There was a good response from the audience. So now we are getting geared up for the Easter production called Who Do You Say I Am? I play Barrabas the Zealot. The show will be at my church the two weekends before Easter. I will have some more info on here later,in case any local folks want to come. GOD BLESS !!!!!!

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