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Photo Page No. 5

Some Of My Family !!!

This is Me-Dave, My Stepmother-Sandra,and my Father-Bob at Christmas 1999 in front of the tree. If you look reeeeeeeeeallly hard, you can see a little bit of a red bow on the right hand side !!

Papa's Place !!

This is the last play I was in as of January 2000. It was a dinner theater we did at my church. It was called Papa's Place. Well, ORIGINALLY it was called Pap's Place, but we renamed it, do the directors feeling that it reminded people of a woman's medical exam. (What do YOU think??) I played Frank(sitting on the righthand side of the couch). Frank want's to force his father, Pap,(standing on the right)into a retirement home, which he doesn't want to go into. Frank is also trying to force his son Greg,(sitting next to Pap),to go to college, which he does not want to go to. (Frank was a reall winner, EH !?!?!?). So anyway, the play was basically about letting go and letting GOD. Trusting GOD about our circumstances in life, even when they don't make any sense. It was a good challenge for me. It was a small cast of only 7 people. I had a TON of lines to memorize!! On the first night, we got a little messed up due to a cue that someone missed, and we all got stuck !!! I almost FROKE OUT(the past tense of freak) !!!!!!!! We did it,though !! It was TOTALLY The Lord !!! He gave me a line to say that put us all back on track! (I think I had a small panic attack before hand,though ! I ALMOST ran off the stage !!! What a weird feeling!!!) The thing is, that the audience didn't even know !!! Any one can make a mistake. It's only a BLUNDER if the AUDIENCE realizes it. They don't know the script, so if it's possible to stay in character, they probably won't notice your mistake. I hope that NEVER happens to me again,though !!!!!!!!! 8o)It's not a very clear picture of the characters. I played a man who was in his 40s or so. I wanted to get the whole set in the picture. Isn't it cooool!?!?!? They did such a great job !!! Everyone who helped did !!

Pap and Greg !!

This is another picture from Papa's Place. I thought this was such a great picture that I had to put it on here! That is Pap on the right and Greg on the left. Pap and Frank just had a blow out because Frank just asked Pap to move out. Greg is telling Pap that he doesn't want to go to college to get a business degree, but he doesn't know how to tell his father. They are playing checkers, BUT Pap always cheats at checkers. He always flips the board over when he knows he's about to lose !!! (See why Frank wants to put him away !?!?!??!)