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Photos 11

Havin' A Bonfire Pahdy !!!

Here is a picture taken at a bonfire party I had in my back yard in November of 2001. I KNOW you can't see the fire in the picture!! Trust me, it's there. It was a great night for it, too ! The temp was somewhere in the 70's that night!!! About 40 people showed up. Some people brought guitars and jammed around the fire till the wee hours. It all wrapped about about 2 AM.

Bonfire Pahhddyyy 2 !!!

Here is a picture from the SECOND bonfire party I had in November of 2001. It wasn't as nice out as it was for the FIRST party, but still fun. Here I am with Mini Dave, and Kenzie, a girl from New York. Nahhh, she didn't come by herself, she came with her mom and sister.

Mystery Dinner Party !

This is a Mystery Dinner Party my friend Michele had at her house in November of 2001. (Michele is the one in the back row, third from the right.) It was a blast, and she did a great job! It was kind of like a live game of Clue. She cooked a great dinner where we all sat and ate and interrogated one another. My character was Spendwell (Spinner) Roppwash, a WW1 pilot with some kind of reality disorder. I wasn't the murderer,though. As you can see, I'm kneeling in the front row with Mini Spinner, and looking more like Steve #4 from the movie "Muliplicity" rather than an Ace Pilot!! Gwendolyn O. Veere was the murderer (the girl in the back row far left)!!!

Here's the List of Characters:

Spendwell P. Roppwash (Dave S) Spendwell is an "ace" pilot who distinguished himself during World War I, flying combat missions over Germany in the legendary Sopwith Dromedary. Credited with shooting down seven enemy aircraft, he acquired the nickname "Spinner" from the acrobatic aerial maneuver he performed to escape the clutches of the dreaded Fred Barron. Since the war, he has been involved in various air-transport ventures and is currently raising funds to launch a commercial airline, Spinnair.

Melissa C. Loudbanks (Melissa C) An internationally respected aviatrix, Melissa's ambition is to be the first pilot to fly around the world. Her marriage to G. Rynder Loudbanks, a wealthy banker, brought together the heritage of the noble Airesborne family and the "new" city money of the Loudbanks. Tragically, her husband died shortly after the wedding in a fall from her airplane. Undaunted, she continues to pursue her goal with great fortitude. Her friends and family call her "Misty." Misty is a trendsetter and ahead of her times.

Lance Sallot (Dave L) A young aristocrat of noble bearing and inclination, Lance is the future eighth Duke of Sallot, a family with ancestral links to the Airesbornes. His father, the seventh duke, is frail in body and spirit, and Lance has already been managing the family estates for several years. Fair-haired, handsome, and an excellent swordsman, he will be a magnificent catch for some fair maiden but is, as yet, unmarried.

D'Amselyne D'Istresse (Polly B) Damselyne, known as "Dame," is the older sister of Misty Loudbanks. Delicate and beautiful, she has been courted by some of the world's most eligible bachelors, some of whom have performed heroic deeds to rescue her from the many difficulties she constantly experiences. They have all earned her thinks, but none has won her heart.

Rogan S. Coundrell (Andrew D) A successful entrepreneur, Rogan has overcome the financial disadvantage of being born a young branch on the family tree by earning his fortune in the building trade. He is influential and highly regarded due to his skillful combination of distinguished heritage and business acumen. An elegant dresser, he frequently wears a long, black cape and is usually seen smoking a cigar. He has recently acquired a Rolls-Royce motorcar.

Gwendolyn O. Veere (Sandra P) When Lofty Aires married the young, beautiful and spirited Gwen, all England rejoiced at her happiness. To become Duchess of Airesborne had been Gwen's lifelong dream, and she was doubly rewarded when the duke presented her with the magnificent Airesborne jewels on their wedding day. Although he was over twice her age and she was his fifth wife, Gwen did all she could to make a success of the marriage. Sadly, they did not live happily ever after, and she had been living apart from the duke until his death, when she returned to the castle.

Seymour S. Factus (Skip D) The childhood friend of Lofton “Lofty” Aires. Lofty used to consider Seymour one of his greatest confidants. Seymour comes from a wealthy background and has accomplished great personal success with his many inventions. He has even patented several of his homemade glue recipes. He is gentleman in every sense of the word. He is one of the few individuals in high society with a social conscious. He also has an interesting passion for collecting rare type of hats.

Victoria S. Eeme (Adrianne C) Victoria is one of the more “well-known” socialites in England. She has worked for “Lofty” for over ten years as his social coordinator. She is extremely self-centered and flaky and often given to public drunkenness, but could she throw a party. She would throw massive Gala Events that would put all others to shame. Despite her many apparent character flaws, she was loved and trusted by many.

Auburnance H. Elpsome (Kristen H) The estate in all its many years has not seen a beauty more divine than Auburnance H. Elpsome. Auburnance was an orphan that the Duke “Lofty” took into his home at the age of six. She is a romantic and dreamer. While she has had many suitors, she is still waiting for her knight in shining armor. She has a love for horses and spends most of time working in the stables. She has won several riding competitions in the past year and is finally starting to make a name for herself.

Lonsford Glost Aires (Rick P) A descendant from a long-lost branch of the family tree, which he believes has precedence over the existing heirs, "Lon" read about the death of the twelfth duke in the newspaper and has returned to the family seat to stake his claim. Being an excellent hunter and avid sportsman, he is well-schooled to assume his "rightful" position. He is also an expert on genealogy, having studied at the Institute d’Affairs Genealogie in Paris under Professor Throux D. Agees.

Evonne S. N. Aires (Wendy P) Lonsford's voluptuous wife, who has accompanied him on his quest to return the Airesborne line of succession to the proper branch of the family tree, "Eve" dearly has the attributes to make a fine duchess and has been quietly supporting her husband as he makes his claim. Of French ancestry, she has a lilting French accent.

Winchester H. O. Stess (Michele D) Winchester or “Winnie,” as her readers know her, is a well-known writer and has written many of the biographies of the royals. The big turning point in Winnie’s life was when her husband died when she was only 20. She inherited his entire fortune and was able to follow her dream of being a writer. She has risen quickly through the ranks of high society due to her large success. In fact, her ability to blend into different social circles has afforded her the capability of writing several undercover pieces about scandals among the royals. In the past year she has been working with the Duke to write his biography.