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Photo Page 1

Here's the first page of MANY picture pages. They sorta-kinda go in order...mostly. As I went on, I tried to start putting a date on the pictures to give an idea of when they were taken, even though they may not be in TRUE chronological order.

ME !

The above is just a picture of me, me being Dave, hanging out on the back deck.

Worldly Wisemen

This picture is from a play I was in called Celestial City. It is a musical based on the book Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan. I played a Worldly Wiseman with my friend Kelly. We did a rap song and tried to sway Pilgrim from following The Truth. It was really cool doing the play!! Pilgrim's Progress was the first book I read after becoming a Christian, besides the Bible. We even recorded a CD with the music!

Easter Play

This is a picture from one of the first scenes of the Easter play that my church puts on. It is called Who Do You Say I Am? I am the guy on the far right. I play Barabas the Zealot.