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Hello and welcome to my page! I have dedicated myself to re-doing this page, which is so badly needed. I just haven't found the time. So, check back now and again, and sign my guestbook. Enjoy!


April 9, 2000

I am ecstatic. Dic has decided to finally dub Sailor Moon S, the third season. The episodes will air on Cartoon Network sometime in the fall of this year. This means that we can see LOTS of Hotaru and a little bit of Sailor Saturn. I am kind of disappointed though. I hate the dubs on Cartoon Network. The voices are terrible, they edit WAY too much, and they totally change th story around. I wonder how they are going to explain Haruka and Michiru's relationship.

March 30, 2000

I have just redone my page here, for those of you who may have noticed. I still have a long way to go, but I have more pictures in the gallery, I have adopted more senshi, and I have been added to many more webrings. Expect more soon.

March 5, 2000

FINALLY!!! After 3 months if antagonizing and waiting, i have finally recieved my videos. I now have teh entire Sailor Moon S series and 5 episodes from Sailor Moon Stars. I will have summaries of episodes up as soon as I can find the time to do them.(I am way too lazy)
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