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Fighting with Dun Tyr


Pic's are here!!!!!

How do you feel Jonny?
Rallying the troops
Eirik looking good with a tower
Lessons from Jimmy
DT on the field
DT storming the castle
Collin gets his silver border
Wild Turkey & stuff
Our fearless leaders

Location: Hickey Park approximately 4 miles north of Lemoore, CA

Date: April 9-11, 1999


What an outstanding location! Grass, What a concept! James the Gray had told me that this was a beautiful location and he was quite correct. Mature trees and an abundance of room. What a contrast to Estrella and Potrero!


Fighting with Dun Tyr was incredible. My Dun Tyr brethren greeted me with open arms and made a Drafn blue-border feel like one of their own. I will not forget the organization and tenacity that Dun Tyr displayed on the field. My Lady Gwynnyth has told me and I have heard myself, that everyone agreed that Dun Tyr was by far the most organized and effective unit on the field. Unfortunately, this was not enough to offset uneven odds and an extraordinary inequity in archer support. My thanks to the lamb from the west with the glaive who deflowered my sword with his death. It's a lot more fun to kill than be killed.

Here are some new definitions I've learned and a few memories of West/Caid 1999.


Dun Tyr:

Noun- A fighting household located in the kingdom of Trimaris with a branch located in the kingdom of Caid. An acceptable abbreviation is "DT". This is not to be confused with detoxification. Detoxification may be the result of partying with Dun Tyr, but the two words are not synonymous as of this writing.

Verb- As in "To Dun Tyr": fight as a highly effective killing unit. Example: "That band would have had a chance if they had Dun Tyred them." 2.To feast and consume large quantities of alcohol. Example: "We Dun Tyred last night" Similar to "Drafn".

Dun Tyr Food:

Charred Mammal Flesh, Cheese, Stoup (see below) & Bread.

Dun Tyr Beverages:

Tequila, Rum, Wild Turkey, Mead, Ale, Wine, Pilsner, Lager, etc....... Pretty much anything with alcohol in it. Mountain Dew is also acceptable when the need for sugar and caffeine arises.


It's not stew and it's not soup. It's Stoup!(aka Stewp). An original creation of Erwin that was copied commercially as Campbell's Chunky Soup. Litigation is currently pending between Campbell's and Erwin's Legal Counsel. This will undoubtedly become a must have at all Dun Tyr war encampments.

Dun Tyr spice:

Lawry's Seasoning Salt, no other spices are required.

Memories or in some cases the lack thereof

Discovering that my fair lady Gwynnyth had a slight digestive mishap while conversing with the Honorable Lord Jonathan. In true Drafn fashion, she wiped her mouth and continued her conversation. That's my lady Gwynnyth!!!

The Drainage Ditch - Also known as the drunk trap. It found most of us at one point or another. Ex. James the Gray, Gwynnyth, Eirik, etc...

The 3 empty tequila bottles we found in the morning. That's not counting the bottle of Parrot Rum. Ask Jonathan about that. He can tell you all about it.

Did I really do all of this? Get sick in the ditch, get pulled out of the ditch by Collin, Kiss the wrong woman(Thank you Judith), and crawl into the wrong tent. Well after all, I was representing Drafn......

Jonathan hung over and his feet sticking out of his tent. What a visual! I felt his pain and yet was amazed that Jonathan and all the rest of Dun Tyr made the battlefield the next day.

James the Gray, my mentor and Drafn sponsor. What a site! Stumbling drunk at 4pm when we arrived and yet he managed to pump at least 4 shots of El Jimador tequila into both Gwynnyth and I before we had our car unloaded!! He truly epitomizes the Drafn spirit. He was missed on the battlefield Saturday!

Seeing Jonathan cold cock a western female fighter rushing blindly during the first resurrection fight. It was a perfectly timed, clean kill.

Seeing the contrast of Connor's tenacity and Geoffrey's patience. They both fought the resurrection battle until the bitter end.

Having the privilege of witnessing Collin receive his Silver Border. I hope that the lovely Judith was proud! What the hell do they put in that horn anyway?


To all of my newly found brethren and friends in Dun Tyr, Thank you very much for the honor of fighting with you. I learned a great deal and I know we will share the battlefield again. I enjoyed the use of the Dun Tyr tower shield and thanks to you, there was at least one Drafn round at the West/Caid war!



