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Balboa Park Tournament Spring 1999


What a great tournament this was! Dun Tyr definitely made their presence known in Calafia with 7 of 16 participants from Dun Tyr in the individual tourney and 8 of 16 in the melees! My thanks to THL for reminding me to bring my armor just in case. I was the only DT bondsman in the tournament!

Every DT participant was honored in some fashion on this date. Drell was runner-up in the individual tournament and was honored as most chivalrous. Connor was recognized for his exemplorary conduct on and off the field. Slaughter was voted most apocalyptic and Famine received an honorable mention in the same category. Congratulations to all and a special thanks to Lady Ainslee and the rest of the ladies and friends of DT for all of their help.

Different things on their mind!

The Red Belts

Zach takes a well deserved break

Famine gets honorable mention!

Slaughter kicks some famine butt!

THL, Lady Kysa, Zach, & Sarah

Most Apocalyptic, Slaughter (The Four Horsemen)

Sir Halfdan tells THL Drell how it's done in Caid

Drell amputates the Baron's leg!

Drell shows why he was voted "Most Chivalrous" while fighting the Baron

Lord Peder defeats THL!

Zach in action!

Victory for Geoffrey!

Geoffrey in action

Congratulations for being recognized Connor!

The DT ladies at the Tourney pose for a pic

Sir Halfdan making time for his music

Great pic of Greywolf
