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Brandy, You're In Our Prayers

Please Pray For Brandy!

I decided to make this page as soon as I heard Brandy had been hospitialized. It is just a page for all of us that love Brandy to post a message for her. All you have to do is e-mail me what you would like posted. Hopefully Brandy wil see this page and recognize her True Fans.

E-mail Me:

From: Tonya in Memphis, TN

Dear Brandy,

Since I found out you wre in the hospital, you've been in my prayers. I hope you get better soon. Please slow down and don't take on too much. Never Say Never, but know when to stop! Your health should be put first. Your true fans will understand. I hope you actually read my letter. You and your family are continously in my prayers. I hope GOD blesses you with health in happines in the future.



From: Angela in KY

Brandy, I hope you get better! :) Dear Brandy, I love you and i care about you and i hope you fell better. You don't have to do so much, just slow down and take it easy. When i found out that you been hosplized, I cried a little and i prayed to God hoping that you'll be okay. You know that me and your other fans love you and care, and support you. Like i said before just slow down and take it easy. You'll be in our hearts forever. Christina, from Long Island, New York I just wanted to say i don't believe anything the media is saying about brandy and that she is in my prayers as well as ray j and the rest of their family. get well soon brandy. Thank God for loving you and me and every1 in the world. Everything happens for a reason, and this is one that only you know. Just take your time, and take things slow. I'm sending nothing but my prayers and best blessing to you and your family. truly your fan for life, Dear Brandy, You just gotta slow down, and always remember you are gonna be #1 no matter what you do. The Lord has been this great to you that he's gonna take it all the way, so don't worry. You will always be in my prayers. You have a lot of people rooting for you. All we want right now is for you to get better. With the thought of you being in the hospital breaks your fan's hearts and everyone who loves you. So do us all a favor, and regain your strength and get better. Love, Precious from Washington, D.C. This message may have come late, but better late than never. I am so sorry about you being in the hospital i hope my prayers wont go unheard. I pray for you and your fammilies good health and preservation. Believe in the lord and you will never fail. Brandy, may GOD bless you with health and happiness in the future. I LOVE YOU BRANDY! GOD BLESS! I HAVE BEEN PRAYING 4 YOU BRANDY, EVER SINCE I DISCOVERED YOU HAD BEEN ILL.....TAKE IT EASY! NEVER SAY NEVER!

Ray J's World ©1999 (:BW/RJW:)