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nWo Timeline


May 27,1996: Scott Hall debuts in WCW and confronted Sting on Nitro and said he had a surprise for him next week.

June 2, 1996: Kevin Nash is the surprise Scott Hall was talking about As he made his WCW debut on that day and Hall & Nash are named the Outsiders.

June 1996 Pay-Per-View: Great American Bash: Kevin Nash gives a Jacknife powerbomb to Eric Bishoff on a table.

July 1996 Pay-Per-View: Bash At the Beach: Hulk Hogan joins Hall & Nash when he gives 3 leg drops to Randy Savage betraying his friendship. The New World Order starts.

August 1996 Pay-Per-View: Hog Wild: Hulk Hogan beats The Giant to win the WCW Worl Heavyweight Title.Booty Man comes to celebrates Hogan win thinking he's a new member of the NWO,instead Hogan beats him up. Early September 1996:The Giant and Ted Dibiase becomes Members of the NWO on Nitro editions.The NWO has a fake sting attack Lex Luger making him think he's joined NWO.

September 1996 Pay-Per-View: Fall Brawl: In a 4-on-4 Cage Match NWO said they had a mystery partner it turned out to be that Bogus Sting. The real Sting cam and beat the Hec out of the NWO then left the ring (his partners were Lex Luger,Flair,and Anderson).Luger later tapped out to an Scorpiion Deathlock by the bogus Sting(he was really Cobra).

Septmeber 1996 Nitro:Sting tells fans to "stick it". He becomes free agent. Syxx debuts in WCW and joins NWO.This is the day after fall brawl.

October 1996 Nitros: Vincent and Marcus Bagwell join the NWO.

November Nitro 1996: This is 6 days before World War 3 PPV.Eric Bishoff joins NWO.And the NWO attacks Piper.

November 1996 Pay-Per-View:World War 3: Match with piper signed. Giant wins WW3 Battle Royal and gets a title shot.

November 1996 Nitros: The Nasty Boys join the NWO,however 2 weeks later the NWO beats them up and kick them out of the NWO.

December 1996 Pay-Per-View:Starrcade: Hogan loses in a non-title match to Piper.

December 1996 Nitro: The day after Starcade the NWO attacks Piper again,but the Giant hesitates on giving Piper a chokeslam,and disbands from NWO.

January 1997 Nitros: Mr. Wall-Street,Scott NortonBig Bubba,and Mashiro Chono joins NWO,

January Pay-Per-View: Souled Out: This was the NWO's fist PPV. The Main event featured Hogan beating the Giant.This PPV got such low ratings that WCW had to brodcast with the NWO at Souled Out '98.

March Pay-Per-View: Uncensored: In a 12-Man Bedlam Match with 4 members from NWO,4 from Pipers team,and 4 from WCW Luger had Hogan in the Torture Rack,but Savage came down KO'd Luger and joined NWO.

September 1997 nitro: NWO beats up Big Bubba and kick him out of the NWO.Wall Street also leaves NWO.Konnan joins NWO.Dibiase leaves NWO.

September 1997 Pay-Per-View:Fall Brawl: Curt Hennig joins NWO,betrays friend Ric Flair.

November 1997 Nitro: Rick Rude joins NWO

January 1998 Thunder: Louie Spicolli joins NWO as part of the Wolfpac

January 1998 Pay-Per-View:Souled Out 2: Dusty Rhodes joins NWO and atacks Larry Zybysko.

February 15,1998: Loui Spicolli was found dead in his hotel room.

February 16, 1998 Nitro: Brian Adams(Crush) debuts in WCW and joins NWO.

February 23, 1998(Superbrawl 8):Scott Steiner betrays Rick Steiner in their title defense against the Outsiders and joins the NWO.

February 24, 1998 Nitro: Brutas Beefcake(formely Booty Man)returns and is now Hogans Lackey(like Spicolli was to Hall)

March 1998 Pay-Per-View:Uncensored: Scott Hall loses in a title shot to Sting.Hogan and Savage battle to a no Contest in a Cage Match.

March 26,1998 Thunder: Hogan attacks Savage(for the 30th time) in a tag match with Nash against Sting and Luger.

March 1998: Syxx is fired from WCW and goes to WWF and joins DX.

April 13, 1998 Nitro: Nash is suppose to go against Hogan, Hogan runs out of building so he gets another title shot against Sting.Hogan interfered last week witch caused Nash not to win the title.When Nash had Sting beat Randy Savage nailed Sting with a bat.Causing another DQ.Nash got mad and now he was beating up Savage.

April 20, 1998 Pay-Per-View:Spring Stampede: Randy Savage wains the World belt from Sting with help from Nash.Also during the bat match Hogan attacks Nash after their win.

April 21, 1998 Nitro: During a world title match between Hogan and Savage Hogan's disciple is knocked out.So is the ref,and Nash puts Savages body over Hogans.Then Bret comes KO's Nash and Savage,puts Hogan body over Savages wakes up ref, and Hogan wins the world title for his 4th time.

May 5, 1998 Nitro: A new Red and Black Faction(Wolfpac) appeared in the nwo,which consisted of Randy Savage, Kevin Nash, and Konnan.Theyre getting beat up pretty bad by Sting,Luger,and the Giant and Brian Adams was going to vome up and help them but Bret Hart stopped him from going in the ring,also Brian Adams nailed Scott Steiner with a baseball bat who thought his brother Rick was good again.

May 11, 1998 NITRO: Bishoff makes a challenge to fight Vince McMhan at WCW Slamboree.Also Savages loses in a title rematch against Hogan.

Also the Giant joins the NWO.

May 17, 1998 PPV:Slamboree: Scott Hall betrays Kevin Nash and joins the Hollywood factoin of the NWO and causes him and Nash to lose the titles.Hogan causes Savage to lose his match against Bret hart that night. And Bishoff said he beat McMhan because he didnt show up and won by a countout.

May 25, 1998 Nitro: Lex Luger joins the Wolfpac faction of the NWO.(Thats stupid, even though Luger joined the good side of the NWO, the NWO still do their bad stuff and Luger is usually a good guy and its just wrong this is my opinion).

June 1, 1998 Nitro: During a Nash/Luger vs. Giant/Hogan match Sting came "down from the raptors" with an Black and White NWO shirt on then he beats up Hogan and tears up the Black and White NWO shirt and underneath it is a B;ack & Red NWO shirt.Sting the hugs all the Wolfpac members and joins the Wolfpac.

June 4, 1998 Thunder: The Giants says Sting is no longer is tag title co-holder and gives the other half of the tag title to Brian Adams.

June 8,1998 Nitro: Diamond Dallas Page was gonna say if he was gonna join the NWO Wolfpac then he got jumped from behind by Vincent,Hogan, and Dennis Rodman.(I also saw this on CNN,of course that station is owned by Turner too)

June 14, 1998 PPV: Great American Bash: Curt Hennig and Rick Rude jump from NWO Wolfpac to NWO Hollywood

June 29 ,1998 Nitro: Karl Malone confronts Hogan and bodyslams him and gives him 2 clotheslines.

July 6, 1998 Nitro: Hogan makes Scott Hall face Goldberg and Hall lose, later that night Hogan loses the title to Goldberg

July 13, 1998 Nitro: Hogan and Scott Hall from NWO Hollywood face each other in a match.Hogan got the big bootg was gonna go for the legdrop but Page ran in and started beating on him than the rest of nwo HW ran in to attack Page then Nash came in hugged hall, chased NWO HW off was gonna give Hogan jackife then Hall attacked Nash and hugged with Hogan.

July 20, 1998 Nitro: BAgwell joined NWO Hollywood.Bishoff does another TOnight Show parody.Scott Hall and the Giant beat Sting &Kevin Nash for the Tag Titles.After Goldberg won the world title he forfeited the US Title, and in the match tonight to determine the new champion Bret Hart(NWO Hollywood Member)beat Diamond Dallas Page to be the new champ. July 31, 1998 Leno tonight show: Hogan and Bishoff take over the set for a little while until Page comes out and helps clears the set and a challenge is set up for Hogan and Bishoff to take on Page and Leno at Road Wild.

August 5, 1998 Thunder: Page trashes the NWO Nightcap set and beats the heck out of Bishoff.

August 10, 1998 Nitro: Giant helps Chris Jericho win the TV Title.Bret Hart loses his US Title to Lex Luger.

August 13, 1998 Thunder: Bret Hart wins back his title from Lex Luger.

August 17, 1998 Nitro: NOW Hollywood beats up on Goldberg.The Ultimate Warrior interrupts a Hogan interview and issues a challenge against him.

August 31, 198 Nitro: In NWO vs WCW Main Event Tag Match the Ultimate Warrior ran in and chased out the NWO.

September 7, 1998 Nitro: In a cage match between Hennig and Malenko the cage is raised and NWO Hollywood beats up Malenko until Arn Anderson comes and clears house.

September 10, 1998 Thunder: Disco asked if himself and Alex Wright can join the Wolfpac but Konnan said no.Also Scott Hall beats the crap out of Kevin Nash.

September 13, 1998 PPV:: Fall Brawl, War Games: In a War Games Cage Match Hogan kicked Bret out of the group by attacking him.

September 14, 1998 Nitro: Sting just about won the world belt from Bill Goldberg by putting him in the Scorpion Deathlock until Hogan came by and kicked him in the head.Also in an hogan interview smoke covered up the ring and the Disciple disappeared.

September 21, 1998 Nitro: The Disciple kinda like became a friend with Warrior and knda joined One Warrior Nation.

September 29, 1998 Nitro: Bret Hart beats up Sting and rejoins NWO Hollywood.

October 5, 1998 Nitro: Wolfpac attacks Hollywood in their locker room.Eddy Gurrerro starts the Latino World Order with Damien and Hector Garza to despite Bishoff.Bagwell's mom comes out and makes fun of him. Hogan sees Warrior through a mirror.Nash beats up Hall at a bar.

October 12, 1998 Nitro: Scott Steiner beats up Bagwell.

October 17, 1998 Saturday Night: Hall,while drunk, defeated Disorderly Conduct in a handicap match.

October 19, 1998 Nitro: In an 3-on-3 tag match between Konnan,Luger,Nash vs. Hall,Nortone,and Stevie Ray. Hall was drunk and Nash appeared to be drunk, but was faking it and when the two got in the ring together Nash beat the hecko out of Hall.Also Hogan wanted his nephew Horace to join the NWO, but instead nails him with a chair, then the Warrior comes and cleans house until the Giant gives him a chokeslam.

October 25, 1998 PPV: Halloween Havoc: Bret beats the crap out of Sting and wins his match against him. In a tag title match with Bagwell,Rick Steiner vs. Giant and Scott Steiner(subbing for Hall)Bagwell turned on Rick, but Rick ended up winning the match and titles anyways.Later in the show Rick went on to beat his brother Scott in a singles match.Also Hogan beats Warrior with help from Horace who joined NWO Hollywood. Later they try to burn the Warrior, but officials prevent it.

October 26, 1998 Nitro: Rick picked Kenny Khaous as his new tag champ partner.Hall tosses Nash through a wall. Hogan inducts Horace Hogan into NWO Hollywood.Scott Steiner and Bagwell attack JJ Dillon.Bret loses US title to Page and after that beats the crap out of Page with a chair.

November 2, 1998 Nitro: Scott Steiner beats up a ref.NWO interrupts a match between Luger and Giant and beats the crap out of Luger.Bret Hart beats up Chris Benoit.

November 5, 1998 Thunder: Hogan announces his canidancy for president.

November 7, 1998 Saturday Night: In a rematch from Nitro with Luger vs. Giant All of NWO runs in again and beats up Luger and Konnan.

November 9, 1998 Nitro: Officials won't let referees ref Scott Steiners matches so they say they'll just buy a new ref.Announcers make it looks like the US President is coming to Nitro, but instead its just Hogan with a bunch of Secret Services guys.

November 16, 1998 Nitro: While Hogan does another inerview about his presidency he mentions Clintons problems and brings out Monica Lewinsky who gives Hogan a hug and leaves then Bishoff and Scott Hall comes.Bishoff thinks Hogan went too far.Then Hall attacks Bishoff then Hogan attacks Hall until Nash comes in and makes the save.

November 22, 1998 PPV: World War 3: NWO hollywood beats up Scott Hall and kicks him out of NWO Hollywood.Nash wins the 60-Man battle Royal, the runnerup was NWO Wolfpac ally, Lex Luger.

November 23, 1998 Nitro: Kevin Nash beats Wrath to end his unbeaten streak which lasted about 4 or 5 months upon his return and says he's gonna end Goldberg's streak next at Starrcade.

November 26, 1998 Jay Leno Tonight Show: Hulk HOgan announces his retirement from wrestling.

November 28, 1998 Saturday Night: Stevie Ray stops Bret Hart from nailing Booker T with a chair.

December 5, 1998 Satuday night: Stevie Ray supports Booker T in his match with Scott Hall.

December 7, 1998 Nitro: Bigelow was gonna get a match with Goldberg until Nash beats him up.

December 10, 1998 Thunder: Konnan costs Chris Jericho a match. Stevie Ray tells Booker T to join NWO Hollywood.

December 14, 1998 Nitro: Bam Bam Bigelow beats up Hall. Later NWO hollywood beats up Hall and Disco Inferno runs in with a wolfpac shirt on and gets the crap beat of him.

December 17, 1998 Thunder: NWO Hollywood beats up Flair's kids

December 21, 1998 Nitro: Nash reminds everyone he was 193-0 in his one year title reign with the WWF. Bagwell impersonates Marc McGuire.Kevin nash dragged Scott Hall out of the ring when he was about to lose to Goldber.

December 27, 1998 PPV: Starrcade: curt Hennig gives a slapjack to Eric Bsihoff to help him win his match with Ric Flair. After some distractions from Bigelow and Disco Inferno and help from Scott Hall, Kevin Nash wins the World Title from Goldberg.

December 28, 1998 Nitro: Scott Steiner won the TV title from Konnan.Nash challenges Goldberg to a world title match next week on nitro. Randy Savage makes his return in a Flair/Bishoff rematch and gives a groin smash to the Giant who was helping Bishoff.

January 4, 1999 Nitro: New WCW Pres, Ric Flair made a match so him and his son, David, would fight Barry Windham & Curt Hennig at Souled Out. miss Elizabeth files Aggravative Assault charges against Goldberg so he got taken to the station and couldn't fight Nash for the Championship later on. With Goldberg gone, Nash challenged Hogan to a title match later on. When Nash came out he came with Scot hall. so Hall went Wolfpac. When their match started Nash layed down for Hogan, who pinned Nash and won the title.Goldberg just got back from the station and ran in the ring and got beaten up and spray painted "nWo" on his back.

January 7, 1998 Thunder: Hogan announces that the NWO has regrouped as the NWO Balack & White & Red or Mega NWO. Also the Mega NWO attacks LWO guys throughout the show.

January 11, 1999 Nitro: Flair gives all LWO members double their salary for disbanding the LWO. Rey Jr. was the only one who still wore a shirt and fought Konnan during that match, The New NWO came and attacked Konnan and spray painted "nWo" on him. It's speculated that Konnan will reform the LWO. Harley Group, Hells Angels, escort Hulk Hogan to the ring.Scott Steiner gets a win over Diamond Dallas Page after using a chair on him.The NWO attacks Flair in his match with Curt Hennig. Nash beat Giant in, most likely, his last match in WCW with Bishoff saying, "Say hello to the Corporate Giant."

January 18, 1999 Nitro: Ric's son, David beats Eric Bishoff which gets his head shaved. Ric Flair announces he'll fight Hogan for the World Title at Superbrawl 9. Lex Luger and Kevin Nash beat up Rey Mysterio Jr. until Konnan helps him.

January 21, 1999 Thunder: Vincent takes control over NWO Hollywood bosses them around and tells the other guys to start calling him Vince even though he was wearing a Wolfpac shirt throughout the whole show.

January 25, 1999 Nitro: NOW beats up Curt Hennig and kicks him out of the NWO. Scott Hall fights Bam Bam Bigelow in a Ladder Match which Goldberg interrupts. And in the main event which was Hogan, Nash, and Luger against Flair, Benoit, and Mongo, the NWO and WCW Wrestlers interrfered and made it a no contest with the 4 Hoursemen really getting beat up.

February 1, 1999 Nitro: Hogan and some other guy saw David Flair entering a weightlifting gym and said they're gonna attack him.

February 8, 1999 Nitro: Scott Steiner tossed Kimberly out of a driving car. Hogan secretely appoints Horace, Brian Adams, Vincent, & Stevie Ray as leaders of NWO Hollywood.

February 15, 1999 Nitro: NWo beats up Ric Flair in a field. Later on they beat up Rowdy Roddy Piper with a Tazer Stick and Scott Hall wears his quilt

February 21, 1999 PPV: Superbrawl 9: David Flair joined NWO Wolfpac by helping Hulk Hogan beat Ric Flair by zapping his dad with a tazer. Also Kevin Nash and Disco Inferno helped Scott Hall win the US Title from Rowdy Roddy Piper.

February 22, 1999 Nitro: NWO impersonates the 4 Hoursemen with Vincent as Steve McMichaels, Kevin Nash as Arn Anderson, Hulk Hogan, plus Scott Hall as Rowdy Roddy Piper, and Disco Inferno as Tony Shivane. Torrie Wilson and David Flair were their too.

February 25, 1999 Thunder: cincent helps Ernest Miller beat Stevie Ray by hitting Stevie Ray with a slapjack.

March 1, 1999 Nitro: Arn Anderson tries to convince David Flair to leave the NWO, but David doesn't listen to him. Ric Flair announces that Hulk Hogan will have to defend his World Title against Ric Flair at Uncensored in a cage match surrounded with barb wire on top. Marcus "Buff" Bagwell makes his return match in his first wrestling match since April 1998, he teamed with Scott Steiner and losing to Rick Steiner & Bill Goldberg after Rick pinned him after the Frankensteiner off the Top TB.

March 15, 1999 Nitro: Kevin Nash tries to get another woman to seduce David Flair. Scott Steiner attacks Marcus "Buff" Bagwell and Bagwell tears off his Wolfpac shirt and leaves the NWO Wolfpac.

March 22, 1999 Nitro: Kevin Nash & Hulk Hogan interrupt the second annual "Miss Nitro Girl" Pagent and enters Torrie Wilson in it. NWO B & W members, Vincent, Horace Hogan, Brian Adams, & Stevie Ray all attack each other.

March 29, 1999 Nitro: Lots of clips showing tension between Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, and Torrie Wilson. Ric Flair makes Diamond dallas Page fight Hulk Hogan that night to. During the match the original ref got knocked out, and ref, Mickey Jay ran in to continue reffing. Hogan got his legdrop finisher and went for the cover, but Mickey Jay didn't count the pin and Hogan decked him out, recovered Page, and the other ref recovered and counted Hogan the pin. This win enabled Hogan to get a title shot for Flair's World Belt.

April 5, 1999 Nitro: Stevie Ray wins a 4-Man battle royal between Horace Hogan, Vincent, Brian Adams , and himself to determine the leader of NWO B & W. During a 4-Man Tornado match for the world title between Hulk Hogan, Diamond Dallas Page, and Goldberg, Kevin Nash ran in and caused a DQ, Sting the came down from the ceiling and points to the "turnertron" and you can hear Randy Savage's voice saying there'll be a 4 man tornado match at Spring Stampede between Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Diamond Dallas Page, and Sting.

April 12, 1999 Nitro: Kevin Nash announced his title match against new champ, Diamond Dallas Page, at Slamboree. Randy Savage wants to wrestle again, but WCW President, Ric Flair, won't let him, however, they end up making a deal for a Slamboree match if Flair's cohort ref, Mickie Jay can beat Savage's cohort, Gorgeous George, Savage will be banned from WCW, if its Vice Versa Savage will wrestle in WCW again. Also the cohorts have to win with their manager's finishing moves. Later on the show Ric Flair wrestles Sting and loses. April 26, 1999 Nitro: NWO B & W beats up Konnan. Stevie Ray helps Booker T beat Meng. We see Hulk Hogan at a hospital supposedly operating on his injured leg. Randy Savage made his return and faced Scott Steiner, but at the beginning of the match Steiner pushed Savage into referree, Charles Robinson, and Charles DQ'd Savage. In the 4-man tornado match as the main event between Goldberg, Nash, Sting, and Page for the World Belt, Savage ran in and nailed Goldberg(as he was about to give the Jackhammer to Diamond Dalls Page) and helped Diamond Dallas Page regain the belt he lost earlier in the night to Sting.

May 9, 1999 PPV: Slamboree: Kevin Nash wins the Word Title from Diamond Dallas Page after Eric Bishoff restarted the match after Randy Savage interfered. Scott Steiner helped Rick Steiner win the TV Title from Booker T and later on Rick Steiner helped Scott Steiner successfully defend his US Title against Marcus "Buff" Bagwell.

May 31, 1999 Nitro: Savage wrestles a fake Kevin Nash and pretends he wins the World Title, later Nash dumps sewage in Savage's limo. June 7, 1999 Nitro: Ernest Miller beats up Horace pretty bad, and NWO B & W chases him out of the ring. Savage ends up injuring Nash and makes him go to the hospital. June 21, 1999 Nitro: Kevin Nash is still tryin to find out who was driving the hummer 2 weeks ago and accuses Sting of doing it, but Sting denies.

July 11, 1999 PPV: Bash at the Beach: In a tage match with World Champ, Nash & Sting against Sid Vicious & Randy Savage,where whoever gets the pin gets the belt, Randy Savage pinned Nash to become new champ.

July 12, 1999 Nitro: Hulk Hogan made a suprise return and defeated Randy Savage, whith help from Kevin Nash, to win the WCW belt back.

August 2, 1999 Nitro: Kevin Nash powerbombs Hulk Hogan through the announcers table.

August 9, 1999 Nitro: Hogan puts a stipulation on his match against Nash at Road Wild where the loser ends his WCW career. Also later on that night in triple tag match with Rick Steiner, Sid Vicious, and Kevin Nash against Hulk Hogan, Sting, and Bill Golderg; Hulk Hogan stopped wearing his "Hollywood" pants and wore his yellow trunks and came out to his old hulkster music bringing back hulkamania.

August 12, 1999 Thunder: Stevie Ray leaves NWO B&W and reforms the tag team of Harlem Heat with Booker T.

August 16, 1999 Nitro: For no reason, NWO B & W attacks Brian Adams and kicks him out of the group, and Brian later costs them a tag title match against Harlem Heat.

November 6, 1999 Update: The NWO all together just seemed to faded away completely. In the Wolfpac, Disco Inferno went on his own, Hogan turned back into the "Hulkster," Lex Luger got repackaged into "The Total Package" and went on his own, Nash lost his retirement and Hall dissapeared due to personal problems, bur re-emerged in October back together on there on as a tag team. Meanwhile in NWO B&W, after they kicked Brian Adams out, Adams got repackaged as a Kiss wrestler "Demon," but resurfaced about a month later as Brian Adams again on his own, Vincent left the NWO to join the West Texas Rednecks faction under the new persona of "Curly Bill," Horace Hogan went on his own, and finally Scott Norton went on his own, but got released from the company. Well the whole NWO thing lasted about 3 years and 3 months and was one of the very few good WCW angles, but anyways the NWO is dead and so is this history page, which is probably the most in-depth nwo history page ever. I just got this feeling that they're gonna bring back the NWO very soon, but if they do look for my NWO History updated here.

December 20, 1999 Nitro: Bret Hart faces Bill Goldberg for the vacant world title, During the match the ref's knocked out, Bret gets Goldberg in the Figure 4 Leglock, then the Outsiders come to the ring and whack Goldberg with baseball bats, Roddy Piper runs to the ring and he covers Goldberg to protect him from further punishment, while a dazed ref makes a 3 count. Bret grabs the World Belt, then Jeff Jarrett runs in and nails piper with a guitar. Jarrett, Bret, Hall, & Nash embrace as NWO B & W music plays throughout the building, and while Jarrett sprays "NWO" on the backs of Piper and Goldberg, and we see the new NWO.

December 27, 1999 Nitro: Scott Steiner does a retirement speech, NWO interrupts and makes fun of him. Later on NWO is getting beaten by Sid, but Scott Steiner comes out attacks Sid and reveals his NWO shirt making him the 5th member.

January 3, 2000 Nitro: NWO threatens WCW's new commissioners, Terry Funk & Arn Anderson. Kevin Nash & Scott Steiner makes it to the finals of the tag team tournament for the vacant tag team belts against David Flair & Crowbar, Arn nailed Nash with a crowbar and the NWO lost. Later the NWO beat the crap out of Funk & Anderson.

January 4, 2000 Thunder tapings: Kevin Nash is suppose to face Bam Bam Bigelow, but Chris Kanyon KO's him after a bottle blow. Jarrett and Bret toss Bigelow in a wheelbarrow and wheel him to the ring so Nash can get the pin. Later on Bret Hart faced Terry Funk in a non-title hardcore match, Funk was dominating, but Jarrett and Nash came out beat him up, David Flair, Daphne, and Crowbar tried to help to, but they got beaten up as well, and the show ended where Nash Jacknife Powerbombed Terry Funk through the announcer's table. January 10, 2000 Nitro: Jarrett faced Jimmy Snuka in a cage match with Benoit as ref, Jarrett was about to win, but Larry Zybysko, and Paul Orndorff ran in and beat up Jarrett, and Snuka got the pin after a Snuka splash off the top of a cage, and a Benoit headbutt off the top of the cage. January 11, 2000 Thunder Tapings: NWO beats up Bret Hart and kicks him out of the NWO, after the Hitman rants about Nash, Steiner, and Jarrett.

January 16, 2000 PPV: SOuled Out: Bret Hart is stripped of the World Belt and Jarrett is stripped of the US belt due to injuries. Nash beats Funk for the right of commissioner of WCW.

January 17, 2000 Nitro: Nash gives the US belt back to Jarrett, and strips Benoit of the US belt.

January 24, 2000 Nitro: Nash outlaws the Powerbomb, and figts Sid where the winner gets the US belt, Sid gets the win and's the new champ.

January 25, 2000 Thunder Tapings: Nash strips Sid of the title and says a new champ will be determined between a triple threat cage match between Ron Harris, Sid, and Nash. Sid ends up winning with the Crippler Crossface.

January 31, 2000 Nitro: Nash names Jarrett new WCW Commissioner, and he takes control of WCW. Jarrett makes himself a title match to face Sid at Superbrawl. He lets The Harris Brothers(formerly known as DOA in the WWF, and Creative Control about a month earlier) join the NWO. And Jarrett makes a triple tag match at the end of the night where it's Jarrett and the Harris Boys vs. Sid Vicious, Terry Funk, and the returning Ric Flair. Flair doesn't show up till the end of the match and argues with Funk, which distracts Sid, who gets knocked out by a guitar shot from Jarrett, and Sid ends up getting pinned.

February 7, 2000 Nitro: Scott Steiner says he'll rather wathe Steve Austin interviews on RAW than Nitro(Note: this was a shoot and it got him suspended from WCW temporarily)Jarrett makes Scott Hall face Sid in a non-title match, later on the WCW executive board made it a title match, when Hall took on Sid, he was about to win the match, but Jarrett interfered, and helped Sid win the match. He said to either stick with the NWO or get out.

February 8, 2000 Thunder Tapings: Kevin Nash strips Jarrett of being commissioner, and makes Hall vs. Jarrett, with the winner facing Sid at Superbrawl. During the match Sid comes out and powerbombs Jarrett, while the Harris Brother beat on hall, the match is ruled on a no contest.

February 14, 2000 Nitro: Nash makes Sid vs. Jarrett in a non-World title match, but later Nash makes it where Jarrett's US belt is on the line, during the match with the regular ref knocked out, Jarrett nails Sid with a guitar, and a nwo ref runs in and makes the pin.

February 15, 2000 Thunder: Apparently the NWO is split up again where you have Jeff Jarrrett & The Harris Brothers on NWO B&W, and Hall & Nash on the Wolfpac side, Scott Steiner's side with NWO is still in question, because he got suspended due to his comments about Steve Austin and the WWF. During this show Jarrett nailed Nash with a guitar.

February 20, 2000 PPV: Souled Out: Jarrett & Hall lose in there triple threat world title match against Sid, during there match they knock out several refs, then Roddy Piper comes out as a special ref to make the 3-Count when Sid covers Hall after a powerbomb. It is reported that Scott Hall got a spinal cord injury during this match after getting the powerbomb and chair shot he took for the match.

February 21, 2000 Nitro: Jarrett, upset after his loss, makes the Harris Brothers run-in during half the evenings matches. Also, when Terry Funk & Dustin Rhodes fought the Harris Boys in a match, Rhodes turned on Funk, and joined up with Harrises beating on Funk.

February 28, 2000 Nitro: Harrises beat up the Mamalukes so they can get a tag title shots.

March 6, 2000 Nitro: Ron Harris beats Big Vito, and The Harrises give H-Bombs to each of the Mamalukes and WCW security members after the match. Jarrett teams up with The Wall against Sid and Booker, Jarrett & Wall wins after Jarrett nails Sid with a guitar.

March 13, 2000 Nitro: Jeff Jarrett and ??? takes on Sid & Vampiro, where after some guitar shots, Sid & Vamiro win by DQ.

March 19, 2000 PPV: Uncensored: Scott Steiner returns to bust a guitar over Hulk Hogan, after he helps Sid beat Jarrett. The Harris Brothers win the Tag Belts from the Mamalukes

March 20, 2000 Nitro: In a match where Scott Steiner & Jeff Jarrett takes on Sid & Hulk Hogan, Sid turns on Hogan where he chokeslams and pins him.