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My Guys

Ok, I will admit that I have had crushes on several celebrities, and I thought that I would share them with you! Hey, maybe you even loved these guys at one point or another! Well, let's begin, shall we?

The New Kids On The Block had to have been my first love. Yes, they look pretty cheesey now, but back then, they were on top of the world! I even still have the NKOTB barbie dolls, their stage, and SO much more; Pathetic, huh? My favorite Kid was Jordan Knight, and hey, he's still looking good!

Next, would be none other than Shawn "The Heartbreak Kid" Michaels. He was my absolute favorite WWF wrestler. Yeah, it was fake, but with a guy like Shawn, I just had to watch it!

OK, watching wrestling, I discovered many other hot wrestlers. This would be "The Rock" AKA Rocky Maivia. Mmmmmm.

I got a little carried away, but hey, It's Buff! This is Marcus "Buff" Bagwell! He is a H-O-T-T-I-E HOTTIE! Next 2 Shawn Michaels, he is the hottest wrestler ever! I think this just explains it all, and in his own words, too!

Next up, is Adrian Paul, better known as "Duncan MacLeod" from "Highlander: The Series". This was a favorite show of mine and I was crazy about Adrian. Look at him, who wouldn't be?!

Then, around the same time as the Adrian Paul thing, I had another thing going for Lorenzo Lamas of the TV show "Renegade", but that didn't last long.

Yes, I along with millions of others went through a Leonardo DiCaprio phase. Just look at him.....he's still hot to me, he just kind of disappeared. What a shame.....

Ahh, the ever-famous Backstreet Boys; a short lived phase of my own. Now, I can't stand them. First, I liked Howie, then I liked Brian, then Nick, then Brian again, then AJ, then Nick again, then Brian again, then AJ again, and last but not least, Kevin, and now, NONE. Quite a variety, huh?

Now, of course, My present obsession is 'N Sync. I have loved them since February of '98, holding a new record for me! (Yea!) I really think this one will last for awhile, I mean, look at them! They are THE hottest group ever!

Of course, I do happen to like others besides 'N Sync (GASP!), and here is a good example= Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit! What a hottie!

I love the TV show Dawson's Creek and there are 2 hotties on that show, that mostly being aimed towards Joshua Jackson!

OK, I love James Van Der Beek From "Dawson's Creek", too!

I Think that Jon Davis from KoRn is pretty hot, too.

I LOVE LFO! They are slowly becoming my new obsession! Although, I miss Brizz! (AKA=Brian- He left LFO to become Mista Brizz(!) I can't wait for that! Check out their new single, Summer Girls.

5ive is also a good group. I love their music and they are pretty hot, too.........

Especially Scott.......

And J!!!!!!!

OK, remember Brizz from LFO? I am becoming increasingly obseessed with him, so here are a few pictures of him!!

Now, we get to Sully Erna of Godsmack! HE IS JUST EXTREMELY HOT!!!!!