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MiCHeLLe's WoRLd

My Favorite Things About College

More Crap about me

My Friends
Rockin and Rollin and having the time of our lives
A Few of my favorite things
My Men and My Friends
Dirts Webpage (she is the best bball chica in the world)
My parents (coming soon)
My sister and son
My Old time Cartoons

(Geez i look bald but my hair was just pulled back lol sorry)
Hi, My name is michelle and I live in Buffalo Ny. Im originally from Lockport Ny. I attend Daemen College 3rd year yippie and my major is currently Social Work BUT if they keep trying to screw me over im changing it I SWEAR I AM IM NOT JOKING!. I am a member of a sorority called Psi Xi Omicron it is pretty peachy. I am the Pledge Mistress. SOunds kinda kinky dont it. I am the PLLLEEDDGE Mistress. LOL but its not. Its a fun job really, Time consuming but fun. Right now my life is ok. I mean things could be better but then again the could be a hell of a lot worse. I have my own apartment, technically speaking. NO roomies this time. Ya know how it is. Friends move in together. Friend talks behind other friends back, possible lawsuits, lawyers, security deposits, yadda yadda yadda the typical stuff. LOL So im on my own....technically. I tried but didnt change schools. At this moment i am SOOOO wishing i did. AHHHH volunteer work has begun. I love and hate it ya know. I dont party as much as i use to BUT that could change lol. I need to mingle more. I still got some kick a$$ friends like Dicky Dykeman, Juicin Jackie, LOL beaver butt, not to mention Heather, Jen, Jackie, Bryan (still i nice hunk of man), Melissa, Pam and all the rest of the weirdos who have become my friends.(smile) This page is STILL pretty boring but check out the other links. lol i have been worked hard on those. They are a little outdated lol but its all good.I would like to thank Dirt for all the pictures. Some she gave me some i stole from her website tee hee. Love ya dirt thanks. Just because i dont see ya dont mean i dont luv ya girl LOL
hey if ya wanna join this site. It is soo cute.

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