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How does one describe deviance? Deviant behaviour to one may not be seen as deviant by another. As well, some devaint behaviour is not criminal. What is crime, exactly? There are lay definitions (public ideas of crime), and legal definitions (law in the books.) Crime is more easily defined since one can refer to the Criminal Code, while deviance is not written and hard to define. Deviant behaviour is therefore in the eye of the beholder.
This website is dedicated to show patterns of deviant or criminal behaviour as seen in society today.

>>>> > "YOU ARE A CHILD OF THE 80'S IF:" >>>> > You know what "Sike" means. >>>> > You know the profound meaning of "Wax on, Wax off". >>>> > >>>> > You know that another name for a keyboard is a >>>> > "Synthesizer". >>>> > You were only cool if you hung out at the Roller >>>> > Rink and actually knew how >>>> > to skate. >>>> > You can sing the McDonald's Big Mack Filet-o-fish, >>>> > quarter pounder, French >>>> > Fry song while jump roping. >>>> > You wore 3-8 different colored socks in layers and >>>> > thought that the more you >>>> > could wear the cooler you were. >>>> > You know who Mr. T is. >>>> > You actually believed for a minute that K.I.T. (The >>>> > night rider) actually >>>> > was real. >>>> > You know who Fat Albert is. ((((( hey hey >>>> > heyyyyyyy!!!!!!= ))))) >>>> > You wore fluorescent, neon clothing. >>>> > You could break dance, or wish you could. >>>> > You wanted to be The Incredible Hulk for Halloween. >>>> > >>>> > You believed that "By the power of Greyskull, you >>>> > HAD = the power!" >>>> > Partying "like it's 1999" seemed SO far away. >>>> > You thought that Transformers were more than meets >>>> > the eye. >>>> > You wanted to be on Star Search. >>>> > You can remember Michael Jackson when he was black. >>>> > >>>> > You wore a banana clip at some point during your >>>> > youth. >>>> > You remember the garbage pail kids, and owned some. >>>> > >>>> > You knew what Willis was "talkin' 'bout." >>>> > You HAD to have your MTV. >>>> > You always wondered why Tootie always wore those >>>> > skates. >>>> > You actually thought "Dirty Dancing" was a REALLY >>>> > good movie. >>>> > You watched Purple Rain over and over again. >>>> > Your all time favorite movie was Footloose and you >>>> > actually thought that >>>> > Kevin Bacon was HOT in it!!! >>>> > You remember the episode of Good Times when Flo >>>> > broke down after >>>> > James'funeral. >>>> > You remember when ATARI was a state of the art >>>> > video = game system. >>>> > You own any cassettes. >>>> > You were led to believe that in the year 2000 we'd >>>> > all be living on the >>>> > moon. >>>> > You remember and/or owned any of the Care Bear >>>> > Glass collection from Pizza >>>> > Hut or any other stupid collection they came out >>>> > with. >>>> > Poltergeist freaked you out. >>>> > You carried your lunch to school in a Gremlins or >>>> > an ET lunch box. >>>> > You have pondered why Smurfette was the ONLY female >>>> > smurf. >>>> > You know what leg warmers are and probably had a >>>> > pair. >>>> > You wore biker shorts underneath a short skirt and >>>> > felt stylish. >>>> > You had a Swatch Watch with the Swatch Guard. >>>> > You thought UTFOs "Roxanne, Roxanne" song was the >>>> > bomb! >>>> > You remember when Saturday Night Live was funny. >>>> > You had Wonder Woman or Superman underoos. >>>> > You know what a "Push Up" ice cream is. >>>> > You had to come in the house when the street lights >>>> > came on. If you can >>>> > identify with at least half of this list then you, >>>> > my friend, are a "Child of >>>> > the 80's". Send this to anyone that would appreciate >>>> > going back to this >>>> > wonderful day. >>>>