Updated: April 3, 2000

PREFACE: I realize I sound rather exclusive and possibly prejudice in my views on this page. That's why I am calling myself "Miss Know It All". This is a safe place for me to climb up on my soap box and scream out my opinions at the top of my voice. However, I would like to preface this by saying I don't only value, respect, or love people who do things "my way". Some of the very, very best parents I know hospital birth, circumcize and public school their kids, and they are loving role models and dear friends to me.

On the other hand, I certainly have seen some parents who have much opportunity for growth in the parenting arena who do follow the "natural parenting" formula. When it comes down to it, I believe our sucess as a parent depends on where our hearts are and the relationship we create. If children feel love, we are doing our jobs.

Finding like-minded parents has given me support and conviction to stand for my ideas, but I would have missed a tremendous amount of love and fellowship in my life if I had only surrounded myself with those who think like me. So, if you like what I have to say, great, if you don't, I bet we could still discover that we are more alike than different!

Chante's Soap Box

Welcome to the page of the most beautiful woman in Mazyboltonland

While my husband, "Webmaster Mazybolton" and I have very complimentary views, I am somewhat more high-profile and preachy with my opinions than he chooses to be. After looking at his creation, Papi's Famous Photo Caption Contest Page and Neglected Advice Column, I said, "Papiyah, why don't you put links and information related to the Mazybolton philosophy in regards to topics such as homebirth, circumcision, whole organic foods, and breastfeeding! His answer to me was the gift of my very own webpage. Thanks Papi!

There have been many passions in my life. Education, achievement, and psychotherapy have been just a few. Parenting and all it entails, such as gentle guidance, healthy eating, and homeschooling, is the main focus of today. I am sure that sphere will grow as my children mature and their needs change.

Had I chosen to "consciously conceive" my children in my 20's I believe I might have blindly done as I was told or as society dictates in some areas. However, at some time in my life I became quite a researcher and learned to question normal procedures and began to make decisions based on a search for my own truth.

As a parent that starts with how to birth my children. I chose to do this in my own home, with my husband, midwife, and cat.

Homebirth / Midwifery

To choose a midwife I suggest:

1. Get references or referals from friends.

2. Call the State Health Department for a free list of registered midwives.

3. Contact your state's midwife association and ask for helpful brochures.

4. Set up an interview and come with prepared questions regarding her educational process, birth philosophy, medical backup proceedure, and experience.

5. Listen to your heart.

SPECIAL NOTE: When I tell people I have my children at home I often get horrified looks from strangers who talk about their fears. They tell me all kinds of horror stories and talk about how dangerous it is not to be in the hospital. (FACT: Statistics show home births are actually safer than hospital births for a variety of reasons.) Midwives usually carry oxygen, are obviously trained to handle emergencies, know when to transport to the nearest hospital, consult with physcians when needed, and are more knowledgable than many medical doctors on alternative ways to handle obstacles such as breech birth, failure to progress, and lengthy labors. I think everyone should give birth wherever they feel the most comfortable. I'm just tired of people lecturing me about my decisions. Obviously I have felt very assured that home has been the safest place for this process in our family as I have put the lives of my three children in the hands of my midwife. How much more certain could I be?

Related Links

Jeannine Parvati Baker's Website

Jeannine, a Utah midwife, has written numerous books and has a very unique perspective on birth. Take what works for you and leave the rest.

After developing a birth plan, I recommend parents make decisions regarding circumcision and vaccinations.

Related Links

Circumcision Information Ring

List of 29 sites related to preserving genital integrity.

My Circumcision Letter

Next you will want to learn about breastfeeding and nutrition. I highly recommend attending La Leche League meetings while pregnant.

Related Links

La Leche League

An international breastfeeding support organization.

Ozark Cooperative Wharehouse

A cooperative distributor serving 11 states and carrying natural and organic foods.

My last parenting suggestion - READ, READ, READ - and seek out like-minded, experienced and new moms and share with each other.

Alternative Parenting Magazine Links

Mothering Magazine

Compleat Mother

The Mother is Me

Read My Beautiful Birth Stories:

Hadiyah's Birth Story

Yali's Birth Story

Ahni's Birth Story

Miss Know It All@MazyboltonHomeCentral