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...people who mean the world to me...


It was three years ago that I came to this place and the final time that I would see your face. I still remember how your eyes shut out the light and all that remained was the eternal night. You are gone and I'll never know why. One so young should not have to die. Everyone who knew you thought you were great. So why were you chosen for this awful fate? I stand above you with a flower in my hand. So overwhelmed by emotion that I can hardly stand. "Until we meet again" is what I had to say. I laid down the flower and then walked away.


And then you go and say that you really love me. But things cant be helped, this is how its gotta be. So I guess you were mine but i was never yours. So much for happy endings. Maybe someday you'll be fine.


You gently draw my attention, little boy. You puzzle me, whoever you are -- seemingly childish like a spoiled kid, yet intelligent to sparkle with sophisticated thoughts. Seemingly teenish" in nature, yet mature for uncommon reflections beyond teenhood. You shine with a bright light -- effortlessly outshining every other and naturally standing above any other beings. You certainly beam with uniqueness difficult to grasp for everyone. So -- who are you, boy? Are you not-so-little or already mature? Are you smart or intelligent beyond imagination? Are you more beautiful or most beautiful to blind anyone? Are you this "Peter" who I though you to be or ... that "incredible Peter", women only would dare to dream about? Hmmmm... I don't know ... I have pretty high standards when it comes down for men to capture my genuine and whole-hearted interest, but you may be worth to have a closer, detailed look one day. Maybe I'll even decide to check you out, to see what you are all about -- mentally, physically, sexually, and emotionally. You have a few more steps to go to capture my genuine, undivided, and legendary interest as well as attention I provide to a very exclusive, small and special circle of the greatest men in this world. Wheater or not you have the resilience, strength and maturity to keep up and to match the standard to earn to belong to this circle -- well, that's an entirely different question for you to answer.

Satanic Angel

Make me bleed..Make me bleed like you’ve done for the past three years. You like that don’t you? To see my blood? Hell yes you do. Live in denial. Live in your fantasy world. Imagine that your whole life is a joke. Pretend that I like you the way I used to. And I’m in love. In love with the addiction to hate you. In love with the illusion it puts me in… Taste me. I love your mind games. And I love you inside of me. Mentally raping me of all I have left in this world. Shoving it in my face, you delusional freak. Think you’re so smart don’t you? Let me fill you in on something. I don’t love you.. and I never did. Anything less than mad, passionate, extraordinary love is a waste of time. There are too many mediocre things in life and love shouldn't be one of them.

To my "favorite" ex boyfriend...rot in hell..

Todd aka "Tony"

This will be the last letter I write to you. I just have a couple more things to get off my chest that's all.. You'd think I'd learn my lesson by now! LOL, like you actually give a shit about the time I take to talk to you. Anyways, I think I'm gonna go ahead and send this one no matter what you think. You are one sick freak. The longer I've been away from you the more things I find out. You lied and thought you could manipulate me into some weak crying basket case for you to screw when you felt like it. You convinced yourself that I'm worthless and tortured me to elevate your own pathetic self esteem. Guess what, it didn't work. I know you've done it to other girls too. You hate yourself and try to feel better by tormenting people and acquiring trophy girlfriends. I suppose you think you're happy now, but I know you're not. You will always be miserable. I cannot believe what a FAKE person you turned out to be. You have really hurt my feelings, just as I figured you would. Now you know why I am the way I am about men. This little game you're playing is for little girls, and in case you haven't noticed, I am a real woman. Not some fake plastic fantasy for you to screw at your wish. Guys are fucking unbelievable. No wonder there are so many lesbians... You can't even be a real man and face me. Your potsmoking and drugtaking isn't helping matters, but you don't seem to give a shit. Stop being so fucking selfish and immature and maybe you could KEEP a REAL woman and wouldn't have to fuck the ugliest chicks I've ever seen on this planet… Get a life

yours always, royal bitch friends...

These words are to the people that have touched me most. You know who you are... you know what you've done. You are in my heart and in my thoughts. I grasp the warmest and happiest of moments and share them with you. Through sadness and grief.. you anchor me and pick me up when all else fails. One of life's greatest gifts is that of true friendship... and you've given me that. For all those screens all over the world its words of encouragment that can help me through the rockiest of situations. I can not give you all hugs, for you know that you are far from my touch. But you are special and i treasure you, more than words can say. Bless you all... my loving friends

Tonybear know, i just really don't care about you anymore...

. . .

"My god, you're beautiful", he cried as he kissed me,and the stars spun around us as we danced on the grass covered hill, two human bodies joined in one ethereal soul. We held eachother close, "Hold me forever", i wanted to say, but the words escaped me. "I love you now, and I always will", is what i wanted to tell him, but my lips remained tightly sealed. Although these were words we could only feel, they were yearning and bursting and i wanted to shout them out loud. Sadly enough, the time had come, and i felt myself slowly slipping out of his embrace. My body moving away from the one I loved so dearly. But before I turned completey away, he screamed: "I love you". With unprescedented ease and calculated movement, I spun around slowly, to face him and respond. My head tilted to one side, and i cracked a crooked smile, took a deep breath and finally whispered, "I know. Now, goodbye" ....

special thanks to Tommy who helped me to create this page
