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Stuff 'Bout Me! =)

Alrighty. Just some general info bout me. You all probably know that I'm crazy. If not, then you don't know me well enough!!! =P Anyways, I thought about putting up a section just on me being crazy, but on second thought, realized that it would be too messy. You know... with the human speedbump pictures and all. Yes, I do have pictures. Scary isn't it? >=)> heh heh heh So I'm just going to delve into my other major interests. Namely my fave. sports figures, etc. Oh, and if you can't tell... I like green. =)

Hm... let's see. So what's there to know? I'm known as Bon to most people... just one of the many nicknames that I have. Let me tell you, some of them are just plain wierd. I guess Bon has two meanings. It's short for my name and yet it also leads to BonBon. I guess it's appropriate since I am also known as a chocoholic. I'm not THAT BAD am I? =P So I like chocolate... sue me! =) I'm younger than most of my friends. It sucks. No matter how much I try I just can't catch up. I wonder why??? Yes, yes, I've got a crazy/psycho side. eh heh I'm an inside-the-closet psycho. Well, now that I've said that I guess not anymore huh?! I can't help it if I like using my chainsaw to make human speedbumps and nail polish! Please don't send me to the insane asylum. I'm only half-demented. The other half of me is fine! >=)> heh heh heh

Now that you've seen the crazy side, get to know the sane side of me. I'm different from most girls cuz I love sports (who says I'm obssessed?!) and I don't really like dressing up. I dunno. Just too self-conscious. Yes, yes I know my self-esteem is low (you have no idea how many times I've gotten beaten up for it!), but it's getting better. It got better over the summer. I'm working on it guys. But yeah, I'm not really into all that girly stuff. Comfort is more important to me I suppose. It feels nice to dress up once in awhile, but not all the time. It's kind of a hassle too. Well, that's just me. =) Oh, and I DON'T like shopping. Boooooooring. Unless it's at a bookstore or the Giant's Dugout or some music store. heh Yeah... =) In addition I am somewhat of a hopeless romantic. Can't help it. Just waiting for the right guy to come along... hoping that I haven't passed him by somewhere along the road.

Hobbies, hobbies, hobbies: There's nothing better than being able to go and chill with my friends. It's always fun cuz of how crazy some of my friends are. Stuff always happens! Man, parties and gatherings are the best! Besides that, there's always watching the Niners, Giants, and Michelle Kwan kick butt. Oh and of course, anime... gotta love anime. Dragon Ball, Sailormoon, Marmalade Boy, Neon Genesis Evangelion and all that good stuff. And if all else fails, I'll read a book (I read so much my dad banned me from the library. But he always ends up forgetting so I always end up going back and getting more books. Then the whole cycle starts all over again. =D). Preferably a mystery novel or something from the Ender's Series. If you haven't read Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card... you need to!!! It is THE best book. You'll just keep reading and reading...

Unfortunately, lately I've been putting my hobbies before my school work which is really, really BAD!!! Being a procrastinator (definition #1 of course!) is not good. Yeah, I really need to get back on track again cuz 1) I'm paying for college and 2) I need to get good grades so that I can transfer into a good UC, get my degree (in what I'm not sure yet), get a good job and earn lots of money so my parents will have a better life. I need to pay them back for all their hard-work somehow! Yup... that's my goal. It's one of my more realistic dreams. The others... well some things are impossible.

I think you know me pretty well by now huh? Maybe, maybe not. Anyways, since I'm working on my self-esteem, I will say one thing good about myself. Aren't you guys proud?! If I've ever done anything right in my life, I think that it's having been able to listen to people when they needed it. I hate seeing people that I care for, sad or upset. Helping them in anyway at all is one of the best feelings in the world. I hope that I'll continue to have the honor of listening to you guys whenever you need it. Afterall, I've burdened everyone enough to last a lifetime. =) Just remember... anytime...

"Life is a giant piece of chocolate. Eat it. Get hyper. Be happy."

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