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I've decided this is basically my not-changing-very-much-ever page where it just has a little bit of useless information about me that nobody really cares about. :o)
This page probably won't be updated a whole lot, but the rest of my site will be as frequently as my lazy butt updates stuff, sound good? Thanks.
We now return to your regularly scheduled webpage

Look, the birdies are here again!


Boots page
my bootleg page
Matchbox 20 page
my page for MB20
Imports page
CDs The CDs I'm selling, cause I don't listen to them anymore all the import singles/promos I own. hehe.
About me
where you get to know more useless trivia about moi, not very intesting if you ask me! Then again, you didn't ask me, so what do I know?

Sign My Slambook!!!
Oh, just go there and sign it, will ya? :-)
Hey, call me and leave a message on my voicemail. No, really. I'm serious. 1-877-268-3157. It's a free call.

I have an ImagineRadio station of my very own! Check it out!
See My Playlist
Listen To My Station

Hey, I'm Jill... also known as Isis, Ice, Icy, Icy Ice, The easy-going one, mental, the neat-freak, jellybelly, jilly, etc.
I'm the drummer for Hank. That picture over there is a picture of a drum set. Now, I'm not quite sure where I got the pic, but I like the set! hehe. Right now I'm looking for a picture of a Slingerland drum kit. If I find one, it'll go up here! :o)

This picture of Semisonic was taken by Kay at her concert in October. Please do not take this image or use it without her permission. If you would like to use it, e-mail us at

Anyway, Semisonic is my second favorite band. I saw them at the Kalamazoo State Theatre early in October of 1998. It was one of my favorite concerts I've been to. My other favorite bands/artists include REM, The Verve Pipe (who are from my hometown! WOOHOO GO EL!!!), Sarah McLachlan, and the Barenaked Ladies.

look at the cute little froggy. hehe. I love frogs. Well, I take that back. I love frog jewelry, stuffed animals, candles, and other such stuff... I'm not too thrilled with the live beings, although I'd rather see them live than dead :o) I also adore turtles and lizards in the same way.


E-mail me about my site. I want to know what you think about it. Tell me you love it, tell me you hate it, and please tell me if you have any advice on how I could improve it, or if there are any typos or broken links.

some images borrowed from Christmas Graphics