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Thinking Freely

This site dedicated to those with the courage to stand alone.

Thinking is now open!

To many people the world is a place which is either black or white, just like the text on this page.

I am not one of those people. For the most part, I find the people who think they have the answers are those who have simply given up looking, given up thinking, and now merely seek to convince others that they are right, and seek questions for the answers they already believe are true.

In the summer of 1999, I created a website named, " Why I am not a christian." for an online philosophy class. Although it fulfilled my requirements for the class, the site took on a life of its own. Since the end of that class, the site has picked up more than just a description of why I rejected, and continue to reject christianity, which was the topic assigned to the creation of the site.

I have sought peace in christianity  and found only the bliss of the ignorant. I have sought brotherhood in christianity and found nothing but a culture which separates, divides, and segregates. I have sought salvation of my soul in christianity and found only the destruction of humankind in its dogma.

 However, my philosophy is not a rejection of what others may believe.  My philosophy is one which accepts nothing on faith, accepts nothing without evidence, accepts nothing without proof, and accepts nothing which is harmful to my race, the human race.  This site is expanding to reflect my philosophy, my growth, and ( no doubt) a continued, relentless, and rational rejection of the only religion I have a personal knowledge of, christianity.

If you are already offended, good, at least you're able to feel. Now, come on in, and let's see if I can guide you into
