Martin's Final Fantasy VIII Universe

Martin's Final Fantasy VIII Universe

UPDATE: Dec. 11, 1999

Okay, since it's been nearly two months since my last update, I guess I should put something here to let everyone know i'll still alive, right?

Anyways, I've been busy with school, a job, etc., so the website updates haven't been too frequent. But I am in the process of creating the GF section, which talks about the GF abilites, and so forth.

And it doesn't look like I'll be getting on Yahoo any time soon, but i'm still getting enough hits to continue my enthusiasm with this site. And with Christmas vacation coming up, expect more frequent updates from now on.

A complete list of FF8 magic
The characters of FF8
A list of the Guardian Forces in FF8, and the different abilites they learn
Completely labeled World Map of FF VIII
Guestbook. Feel free to sign it!
My adopted child

Hello, and welcome to Martin's Final Fantasy VIII universe! This site is dedicated to perhaps, the greatest game that has ever been created: Final Fantasy VIII (or FF8, as I prefer to call it) was the pinnacle of excitement, the most incredible gaming experience ever created. It contained a compelling story and was the revolution of graphics, sound, and gameplay. The plot, the characters, the battles, the junction system, everything came together to form the most incredible story ever told.

So, without further ado, I give you the web page! Choose your path. And don't forget to bookmark the page, either! I'm going to be adding more stuff to it almost every day, so except something new all the time!

since September 8, 1999