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Killer Whales

Orcinus orca

Average Size

Newborns: 7 feet

Adults:(males) 30 feet

(females) 18-23 feet

Weight:(males) 9 tons

(females) 4.5 tons


North Atlantic, North Pacific, and Antartic waters, among ice floes in polar latitudes and in equatorial regions.

In case you didn't know:

Killer Whales are really dolphins.

They are the largest dolphins.

They are the top-level carinvores of the marine carnivores.

The males dorsal fins can reach up to 6 feet tall.

Females have smaller dorsal fins than the males.

Killer whales eat penguins, pennipeds, and other sea birds, sea turtles, different types of fish (such as herring and salmon), and they will even eat their own kind, as well as all marine cetaceans.

There has never been a report of a Killer Whale eating a human being, but there have been a few attacks reported.

The Killer Whales only enemies are humans.

Killer Whales swim in pods of 5-50 whales.

These whales are able to swim in speeds up to 30 mph.

The hunting for the pods are usually left up to the females.

These are the only dolphins who hunt their cousins.

Killer whales are the most sociable dolphins.

Female Killer Whales give birth every 5 to 6 years. The females will stop reproducing at an age of around 40 years old.

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