WISH UPON A STAR II- YOUR HEART'S DESIRE AUTHOR: Kathy EMAIL ADDRESS: SADanaMldr@aol.com ARCHIVE: Anywhere, please keep my name and address attached and let me know where. SPOILER WARNING: EMILY, minor reference to HOST RATING: PG-13 (lanuage); R (mild sexual situations) for one little scene toward the middle of part 3 CLASSIFICATION: MSR SUMMARY: Mulder and Scully go on vacation to LA... DISCLAIMER: Fox Mulder and Dana Scully belong to CHRIS CARTER, TEN THIRTEEN PRODUCTIONS, and FOX TELEVISION... Hotels and other establishments referred to are meant only for realistic value, I am in no way discrediting or slandering... so please don't sue me! That goes to you to Disney! Think of it as free publicity! Wish Upon A Star- Your heart's desire by Kathy ***************************** Part (1/3) AMERICAN AIRLINES FLIGHT 421 3:03PM (EST) Scully softly smiled, shifting her gaze from the clouds outside of her window to her partner's sleeping form. Taking a few sobering breaths, she leaned her head back against the headrest and let her eyes slip shut. Within a few short moments she felt his hand tenderly covering her own, linking his fingers between hers. There atop an armrest, in seats like they'd shared so many times, rested a link that could never and would never be broken. ****************************** CENTURY PLAZA HOTEL - HOTEL LOBBY 3:15PM (PACIFIC STANDARD TIME) Trailing slightly behind Mulder into the elegantly decorated lobby, Scully gasped in awe. "It's lovely Mulder." Mulder smiled, thrilled she was happy with his choice. "Wait here and I'll check us in." "'Kay," she said giving him a quick kiss. As Mulder dashed toward the front desk, he felt a sudden wave of giddiness wash over him. "Fox Mulder," he found himself trying to repress the foolish grin he felt pushing at his lips, as the clerk searched the computer for his reservation. "Yes, Mr. Mulder. A suite, two bedrooms, and balcony?" Rescued from drowning in thought, Mulder resurfaced into the land of the living. "Uh, That's right... Oh, I had two..." "Oh yes, two passports to Disneyland...there you are. Your room number is 607. Here are your keys. I hope you enjoy your stay with us, Mr. Mulder." "I'm counting on it," his voice heavy with determination. He smiled in Scully's direction, then turned to pick the keys up off the counter. He was going to make sure, Scully had the best vacation of her life. SUITE 607 3:27PM "Now this is what I call a vacation," Mulder said stretching his arms languidly above his head before plopping down on the bed. "So, I take it this is your room then." "Oh, no you can have it," he shot up and scurried off the bed. "I'll take the smaller one," he started to make his way out of the door. "Mulder I was... I mean you don't have to..." Mulder turned around, enfolding both of her hands in his. "No, Scully I want us to take it one step at a time. Sharing a bed is a pretty big step don't ya think?" "Can't argue with you on that one." "Not that I don't want to, Scully. I just want everything to be perfect for you. You're not just some roll in the hay, a warm body next to mine to keep the right side of my bed from getting cold, I love you. And, it's so hard for me to express how deep that love runs, Scully. It encompasses my very being, it's part of who I am and it's in everything I ever do or say. It's you Scully, it's all you. I need you to feel how much you mean to me, even if I can't say it. It has to be perfect..." the final words coming out in a strangled whisper. "Oh, Mulder," she wrapped her arms tightly around his chest, burying her head in his fore arm. Seconds later, he felt her chuckling. "What?" "Nothing I just... I never in my wildest dreams expected hear anything like that from you. You never cease to amaze me, Agent Mulder." "I aim to please," he whispered. She covered her mouth with his in a kiss. A kiss which had thrown intended delicacy out of the window, making way for feverant heat. Gasping, for a much needed breath, Mulder pulled Scully with him to sit on the bed. He kiss her cheeks, forehead, eyelids, nape of neck, then gathered her into the shelter of his arms. Several moments later Scully yawned, "Mmm, I'm tired." "Take a nap, then we can maybe catch a movie and have some dinner." He kissed the top of her head, removing himself from her embrace. "I think I'll use your bathroom if you don't mind." "No, not at all." He returned to find Scully's previously content expression, masked in a slight frown. "What's the matter, Scully?" he asked gently. "I was just thinking about Carrie. I hope she's not too upset with me." "She said it was fine, Scully. She understands." He reclaimed his previous spot next to her. "I know, but I didn't really explain to her what was going on. She probably thinks I'm insane." "I thought I was the insane one of this dyad," he joked. "Seriously, Mulder." "You told her you were burnt out, Scully. I'm sure she can understand that, she didn't seem like the type that would hold a grudge. Especially if she thought you weren't feeling well." "We did set an impending girls' day off together. And, I don't intend on breaking it, Mulder. You have to hold me to it. You know how I get." "Boy do I?" She leaned back before he could stop her, grabbing a pillow. *SMACK* "You better watch it Agent Mulder." "Shouldn't I be saying the same thing to you." He picked up its twin, belting her a good one in the noggin. "Tit for tat, Mr. Mulder." *Whack* They dished out as much as they could take, which was a lot before Scully began to take reign. In moments, Mulder was panting beneath her wrath, "Okay, okay...I give... I give..." "You sure about that?" She tossed her pillow away, and began tickling him. "Stop, Scully!" She laughed wildly, she hadn't felt this good in years. "Oh, you ticklish, Mulder?" She tickled him some more, until he grabbed her by the waist flipping her over beginning his own assault. "AH! Mulder..." "You give this time, Scully..." "Ne-ver," she concentrated through the ticklish fever on her newly intended target. "Ouch!" He pulled away quickly. "Did I hurt you, Scully?" "Gotcha." Before he could reclaim his tickling stance, she captured his mouth in another long and slow kiss. Collapsing side by side, after their blissful encounter, Mulder spoke, "Scully?" "Yeah?" "You better get some rest, now." "You, too, Mulder." "Okay." ******************************* AMC CENTURY 14 8:42PM "That was hilarious, Mulder." "Not as hilarious as this is..." he pulled out his straw and aimed it toward a group of fourteen-year-old boys, who were working way to hard to look cool in front of the group of fourteen year old girls directly across from them. "Stop it, Mulder," she slapped his arm. Nevertheless, he shot the spitball. But, instead of landing anywhere near his intending target, it bounced off the temple of an elderly sophisticate standing in much closer range. "Sorry Ma'am." If looks could kill, Fox Mulder would have been a goner. Opting to forego a scene filled with harsh expletives and foolhardy apologies, she whisked past them toward her destination. Scully shook her head in amusement, "Mulder, when will you ever learn?" "Why don't you teach me, Scully." "Mmm. Maybe later." "When?" "*After* you drop the fifth grade antics," she said grinning. "Aw, Scully you're no fun," he said in mock pout. She tugged at his sleeve. "Come on, Mulder I'm hungry." ********************************** 11:09PM SUITE 607 SCULLY'S BEDROOM < ...it's so hard for me to express how deep that love runs, Scully. It encompasses my very being, it's part of who I am and it's in everything I ever do or say. It's you Scully, it's all you... I love you so so much...> She exhaulted a muffled groan into her pillow, restlessly trying to slow down her mind. "Arrgh!" Bolting straight up in tedious frustration, she made a bee-line for the bathroom sink. She threw water over her face, hoping that maybe the coolness of it would settle her down. Closing her eyes, she relished in the relief that the refreshing globules lent to her uncomfortably warm skin. Relief was short lived and seconds later she found herself wandering out of her room, making her way slowly toward the forbidden cavern. Slinking her way through the door, which had been left slightly ajar She thought, recalling certain phone calls that came her way during the pre dawn hours. Slowly crouching down next to the double bed, she noticed something, something she had not dared hope for. His eyes were staring right back at hers, into hers, through hers, whatever he was awake. "Nightmare?" he croaked. "Nope. Couldn't sleep." Mulder pulled back the covers, slipping over a bit. But she only shook her head. "I can't Mulder. I feel jittery for some reason. I'll just go read or watch some TV." "Isn't that my line Scully?" "Yeah, I guess it's about time for a little role reversal. Will you be the skeptic to my believer?" she teased. He briefly brushed his lips across hers and smiled, "Why don't we get on of those pay-per-view things and munch from the mini bar?" "No way a peanut will cost you an arm and a leg." "K' then we'll order a snack from room service, it's not that late yet." Grinning in the darkness she spoke lightheartedly, "I don't wanna keep you up, Mulder. I know how much you need your beauty sleep." "Is it me or was that a desperate cry for a rematch on that pillow fight?" "It's you." Scully said, moving to her feet and floating out into the next room. ***************************** 8:39AM ***************************** ...Remnants of buffalo wings in the ashtray, cracker crumbs atop the coffee table, sunflower seed shells inside the sofa cushions... What human hurricane flew through here, last night? And, where were they on this fine sunny California mornin'?... Wait a sec? Is that a foot peeking around side the couch?... Yes, it was a foot, a foot with one Special Agent Fox William Mulder attached to it. And, attached to him, a force to be reckoned with, a tide to be turned, a pile mush when it came to the man she was snuggled against. She lay there, eyes tightly closed, awake, but not wanting to be, trying to keep out the rest of the world, unfortunately her mind would not let her do it. Her thoughts began to drift, memories and pictures of a child, her Emily. It wasn't just her death that wrenched her heart, it was the chance that she lost to love her to love any child, for that matter. As thoughts such as these floated unwittingly through her subconscious, she began loosening and tightening her grasp on Mulder's t-shirt, in quick desperate motions. Mulder's eyes opened slowly to an orangish blur... "Mmm..." Warm, sweet, and a little sweaty... "Sc..Scully?" He looked downat the top of her head, but he couldn't see her face. It was being pressed into his chest, as her hands continued their mantra over the shirt covering his upper abdomen. "Scully..." he began soft slow circular movements on her back to sooth her seemingly agitated state. "Scully, baby, please wake up." Pushing her normally haunting thoughts aside, she ventured a soft smile and a raise of the head, "I'm awake, Mulder," she whispered. "You, okay? I think you were having another nightmare." Not wanting to tell him the embarrassing truth, she changed the subject, "Mulder, don't you think we should get off of the floor now?" "Uh... yeah..." feeling somewhat disappointed they had to break contact, " yeah...okay." He released the piece of loveliness, he now hoped he could call his own, , and stretched his arms lazily over his head. She stood up, face stretching in a noisy yawn. Blinking the dewy morning tears from her eyes, she caught him around the waist, "Hey, buddy, don't I get a good morning kiss?" Pulling her closer, "Mm, I dunno, I'll hafta think about that one." "Oh, will, you Agent Mulder?" "Yeah long and hard..." he mumbled before capturing her lips with his own. After a few long moments of short, long, slow, quick, and passionate kisses, they parted. Shaking her head free from her love spell Scully spoke, "Time for a shower, Mulder... or was that you I saw on that Pure Funk commercial last night?" "Very funny, Scully..." "Don't I know it. Come on cowboy, let's get a move on," she said slapping him in the rear. "Ooo, get along little doggie." The famous eyebrow waggle followed. "Get goin' buster..." "You're not coming, Scully?" He teased. "Of course I am." She said in complete seriousness. Mulder face burned with embarrassed anxiety. He turned to face her. Seeing the expected look of fright on his face, she let out the huge belly laugh she'd been holding in. Knowing he'd been tricked, he turned on his heels and headed into his room, closing the door with a loud click. After about two more minutes of stomach clenching laughter, Scully surveyed the room. She began to clean... "Isn't this what maid service is for?" Discarding a few more offending chicken bones onto the service tray, she wiped her hands of anymore "house work" and disappeared into her own room. END OF 1/3 *********************************************************************** PART 2/3 DISCLAIMER IN part 1 10:14AM Interstate 5 ANAHEIM, CA "Maybe we should have gotten a hotel closer to the park." "No, Mulder I love our hotel. Even though I want to relive a few nostalgic memories, I think we'll have enough with screaming kids, while we're there." "Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I also, thought it might be nice to be in the city, so we can have the rest of the week to do our crazy tourist routine." Scully chuckled, "'Crazy' tourist, Mulder? I don't know if I like the sound of that." "You know me, Scully." "That's what has me worried," she teased. She turned her head, glancing out of the window. "Mulder...look the happiest place on earth... we're here." Mulder beamed with pride that he'd made her this happy, just by bringing her here. ********************************** 10:33AM MAIN ST. USA Scully opened up her newly acquired map of the park, as Mulder slung his arm over her shoulder, "So, what's first, G-Woman?" "It's all so different now...mm... How 'bout we try the Matterhorn first?" "Sounds good to me," he whispered in her ear. After giving her a quick peck on the cheek, Mulder watched as Scully's astoundingly wider. Before Mulder could question her, Scully ... was gone? "Mulder over here," Scully gestured from a heavily stocked arrangement of assorted hats. As Mulder approached he noticed that his partners smile was the widest he'd ever seen it and she was looking straight into his eyes. Entranced for less than a moment... "Ouch!" "Sorry, sorry..." "Mulder please be more careful...you okay?" "Yes!"...."I'm fine." Scully looked at him quizzically.