Shippy News


Hello Shippers!

Here is the latest Shippy News fresh off the grapevine
A special thanX to our new Shippy staffer
~ Meg ~

***Though the script is not yet written, the episode called "Always" is a confirmed rumor. This episode is slated to be filmed in "The X-Files" hometown of Vancouver. Well, we'll see if that pans out, but that's the word, apparently. It has Mulder and Scully stranded in some sort of forest/forest with ice where they begin to talk......about their "relationship". Mulder is said to tell Scully that he is glad that if he dies, he dies with her there and not alone. This may be the "Demeter" rumored from season six.

***ThanX for the info***

Aren't they sweet?!

The Shippy News staff would like to officially welcome
their newest member, Meg!
And a big hello to Desiree, who joined our team last week!
Good Shippin' Guys!

~Here's a great Shippy read~

Who amongst all Shippers hasn't had a fantasy like this? From: CB Files


TITLE: Role-Playing

SUBJECT: Humor (or an attempt at humor at least), MSR-ish

SPOILERS: Um, season 6 stuff I think

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is not supposed to make sense so please do not look at it scientifically and go "Hey if she is...then this couldn't..." Just go with it, ok? ENJOY!!!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Mulder, but oh how I wish I did!!! He, Scully, (GAG!!)Fowley and the X-Files belong to Chris Carter and 1013 Productions in association with 20th Century FOX

ARCHIVE: Anywhere as long as you keep my name with it and send me the addy so I can come visit! THANKS!

FEEDBACK: PLEASE let me know what you think of this piece at THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!

by CB Files

Hi there. I am your average 18-year-old-girl. I play sports, do good in school, and even got into a pretty nice private university. The only thing that one might consider not average about me (besides my height of 5'11) is the fact that I don't watch "Dawson's Creek." However I do have a *slight* obsession with "The X-Files" despite the fact that I abhor sci-fi. What got me hooked was the chemistry between the two lead characters of Special Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. Since I started watching it has almost become a crusade of mine (and many, many others) to get them together.

So, now that I've bored you to tears, you can imagine my surprise when I woke up this morning 5'4 with short auburn hair, blue eyes, and very pale skin.

"What the...?" I grumbled as the alarm bleeped incessantly at me. I hit the snooze button, glancing at its face which read "5:15 AM" before burying my face back into the unusually soft down pillows. Suddenly, my brain clicks on: It's summertime and I don't work anymore. Why did I set my alarm? I never got up this early even when I did work! And my alarm clock isn't on a nightstand by my bed because I don't even sleep on a bed! I have a futon!

Never in my life have I gotten out of bed so fast.

"OK, now, take it easy. There's gotta be some reason why I suddenly have brand-new furniture and am wearing really expensive silk pajamas."

My eyes take in everything around me and, as they fall on the photos, my stomach flip-flops. Beside the alarm clock, is a picture of Maggie Scully, Melissa Scully, and...MULDER! That's when it dawns on me: THIS IS SCULLY'S BEDROOM!!! And, OMG, she has a picture of Mulder on her nightstand!!!

"I KNEW IT!!!" I squeal jumping up and down. Reality pulls me down out of my shipper high. "Why am I in Scully's bedroom? And why did I wake up in her bed?"

I begin searching through the all-too-familiar apartment for her, my mind completely oblivious to the fact that she is a *fictional* character. Walking into her bathroom, I become frozen upon seeing my reflection in the mirror.

She is me.

"Woah...there's no way..." I approach it slowly, my fingers touching my face and pulling at the skin as if its just a mask or something. "I refuse to believe this is actually happening--" My hand flies to my mouth. I know that voice! But its not mine...why didn't I hear it sooner? Guess I just put it off as croaky-morning-voice or something. I stare at my new self trying to think of an explanation when curiosity gets the best of me. Looking in the mirror one last time (savoring the moment), I turn, walk into the living room, pick up the phone, and press "1."

"Mulder," comes the sleepy voice I easily recognize.

"Mulder, its me." I instantly burst into a fit of giggles over what just came out of my mouth mixed with the fact that it wasn't a joke.

"I'm sorry, Scully, is waking me up funny to you?"

"Don't give me that, I know you don't sleep this late on a workday!"

"What did you call for?"

"Can you come over?"

"Scully, I'll see you at work in a couple hours. Can't it wait?"

"No, this is something I can't tell you there--just, please come over."

I can hear him sigh. What's he so grumpy about? I wonder how many times he's done this same thing to Scully? But, now...that's me! This is SO weird!

"I'll be right there."

I get dressed in the usual black pantsuit that she wore in each episode this season (She actually has 8 of the darn things!) before going into the bathroom to do my hair and make-up. It took me the entire time it took Mulder to get over here because my mind was waging a war.



"Jeez, Mulder, you scared me to death!" I gasp turning to face him in the bathroom doorway.

"I knocked twice. When you didn't answer I got worried that maybe you were in trouble and that's why you wanted me to come over right away. So are you okay?"

Gosh, that puppy-dog face looks WAY cuter in person. "I'm fine, Mulder," I say brushing past him before he sees the grin on my face at hearing myself say that aloud.

"So then what did you need to talk about?" he asks, following me into the kitchen.

Fiddling around in the cupboard for nothing except time to think of how to make this extra-Shippy, I say, "What's today?"

He looks at me in concern. "Wednesday, May 12th."

OMG I'm in a post-"Field Trip" moment!

"Scully?" He closes the space between us and cups my chin with his right hand. My knees go weak as I look into the most beautiful face I have ever seen in my life. Those lips are soooooo begging to be kissed...How does Gillian control herself?!?!

"When I woke up this morning, I realized that I was tired of the game...this wall I've kept up...I can't anymore, Mulder, it just has gotten to be too much."

His greenish-gold eyes search mine. "What do you mean? he asks without saying a word.

"I'm in love with you."

A smirk plays at the corners of his mouth. "And I'm in love with you, too. But was that really worth me coming over here before work?"

I feel my heart sink. For a moment I'm afraid I've fallen into an episode written by John Shiban and Chris Carter instead of the beloved Vince Gilligan.

"I'm sorry, Mulder, but I thought a declaration of love might be considered inappropriate for the workplace," I spout sarcastically.

I am now sitting on the couch, with both my arms and legs crossed.

"Declaration of--but Scully, I thought we'd already established that," he says kneeling down beside me so that he's at eye level.

I stare at him, my eyes wide with confusion. "W-what?"

"The other night after our 'shroom trip, remember? I know we may not have said the actual words but it was pretty clear to me. When I told you that almost losing you again was just too much and that I couldn't bear to have you disappear from my life, that was 'I love you.' I can't believe you didn't get that feeling from me. Especially after we made love that night."

My eyes must be bugging out of my head at this point, but thankfully he is too busy staring at the floor in shame.

Inside, my mind was screaming, "Yes, yes, yes!!! I knew it would happen! 'Field Trip' just ended way too shippily to have completely let it go...OMG, the Fowley-topless thing hasn't happened yet! I can change the future! WOOHOO! Uh-oh...poor baby looks like he's gonna cry."

I tilt his chin up to look me in the eye. "I'm sorry. You didn't do anything wrong, Mulder. I just really felt that I needed to tell you, in person, the words that have weighed heavy on my heart since that night. Forgive me?"

He awards me with the classic "little-boy" Mulder smile. "Of course. I love you, Scully."

"I love you too, Mulder," I whisper.

His gaze goes from my eyes, to my lips, to my eyes, and then to my lips again. I can feel the warmth of his breath on them and, in slow motion, he closes the space between us...

And everything goes black.

I am brought back into consciousness by the sound of a baby crying. That's when I notice a man's arm draped across my naked waist and a familiar voice in my ear. "Tea...Maddy's hungry, sweetie, you need to go feed her."

Oh no, not again!


OK, if you thought it sucked or was cute or WHATEVER just please let me know at


"I will remember you, Will you remember me? Don't let your life pass you by, Weep not for the memories."

-Sarah McLachlan


**Remember! All Shippy News is wanted, desperately!** Anything Shippy, Actual MSR news, rumors, fantasies and MSR fic.

please send all news to your Shippy News Editor, Kirsten, at

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