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Contend For The Faith

Farrell Till's Email list Errancy.

The Errancy email list, under the supervision of Farrell Till seeks to undermine the doctrine held by some Christians that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God. Until recently I was one of those inerrantists, but I have came to the conclusion, based on a cumulative case against the doctrine that it cannot be maintained as a Biblical doctrine, and that it is wisest to take a default position that the Bible is errant until proven otherwise. To that end one could say that the intended purpose of Farrell's list has been, in my case succesful. However, there is still much than needs to be countered on the list, since much of that which is alleged as error can be resolved without recourse to mind-strectching eisegesis. With that mind the purpose of my page remains much the same as previously outlined:

The purpose of this page is to:

a) based on my own experience and observations of others to provide some advice and tips to new members of the list

b) present the most frequently raised arguments used by the errantists [who are for the most part, non-Christians], offering rebuttals to them and/or a forum where rebuttals can be formulated with input from other Christians.

c) to provide more detailed arguments/debates with rebuttals to them where available.

d) to provide links to a range of other web pages relevant to the purpose of this page.

Anyone interested in joining the Errancy list can do so: here.

The site is very much under construction, so drop by regular
