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VelcroCat Matt's Homepage



Hi! My name is Matt, Velcro to my friends.

To the left is currently the only image of me available.

I hope to soon have some pictures of me not in my work clothes, but until then, this is the best I can come up with.

I live in Edinburgh, Scotland, but originally hail from Leeds, England. I'm a youthful 27 years of age and this is my first attempt at a homepage. Please excuse it if you think it's complete drivel!!!

Get in touch! Contact me to take the mick!



Since this is my first go, and has many other things to be added, I would like to formally designate this site as





Matt's favourite things!!! 



Aberdeen FC

Come on you reds!!!

Leeds Utd FC

Dirty Leeds

Chicago Bears

Dreaming of SBXX

South Park

Has to be one of the most screwy shows on TV


Music - A major love of my life.

Check out these really cool bands 




It just doesn't get better than this

You can't express how good these guys are live

If you ain't heard this lot, then your life just ain't complete

You saying 'who?'

They're from Ireland you know





I love this band. Some energy live.


Nine Inch Nails

'Nuff said


No Doubt

Oooooh Gwen



I think I'm the only guy in Scotland to like them!


Thanks for visiting. Come back soon to see new developments!