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There's ALWAYS Something New...

Some of you probably could care less what we add to this page.

And some of your lives probably revolve around waiting for the next tidbit we throw at you.

It is for the few who agree with the latter that we created this page.

Here we will tell you when we change something, so you don't have to go looking around the site for updates. I mean, really, it's probably easier to find Waldo.

I see Waldo!

No, that's just your medication kicking in.

But I really do see him! Why don't you ever believe me?

All right, all right. I believe you. Now then, come one and all to bask in newness.

Fine. Whatever you say, Mom.

Last Update: October 16, 1999
Our MAJOR update is in the mail. We promise!! In the meantime, check out Dave's latest fanfic Never Bet The Devil Your Electric Head . We also joined another webring . As usual, we ask that you go to the Main Page to nominate us for a URA, and sign up for the Mailing List . We haven't even sent one message yet because we have very few subscribers. Also, will you take the survey ?? Please? :)
October Updates

September Updates
