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Win an Award! C'mon, You Know You Wanna.

This is the page that could make you or break you.

It could turn you into a self-confident ruler of all you survey or leave you crying in a pitiful mass.

But there's only one way to find out.

Email one of us with your site address...

...and five reasons you deserve an award from US as opposed to anyone else.

That's the only way to get the version of this award that's in one piece.

And believe me, it looks a LOT better in one piece.

And it's easier to read that way, too.

Plus, it means you EARNED it, rather than "borrowed" it.

Sarah wants to give you an award to boost your self-esteem...
Raven doesn't care what you do, you sorry excuse for a human being...
And both are ready to judge your site at the county fair!
