Matamoras Rod & Gun Club

Anita's Barbecue Report

August 6, 2011


Hello Everyone!

While it is still fresh in my mind and I am still awake (not for much longer!) I wanted to send out a long list of "thank yous" to all the people who helped to make the Chicken Barbecue a great success! We served 172 dinners today and from what I heard everyone really enjoyed their meal.

On Saturday, 8/6, we had a hard working crew show up for the workday. Thank you to:

The Kitchen Crew - Richie Bobish, John Sybrandy, Bob Rogers and Dick Campbell

The Grounds Crew - Scott Quinn, Seth Dotey, Luke Dotey, Tim Benson, Jack Reilly and Bill Vealey

The Guys Who Did A Little Of Everything - Tom McKeon, Bob Benson, Dick Campbell, Bill Carpenter, Bill Clark, Bill Vealey

On Sunday, 8/7, we had an amazing amount of help. I want to thank all these folks who worked so hard despite the heat and humidity:

The 7 am Fire Starter - Jack Reilly

The Liver and Gizzard Team - Keith Raser and Bob Ewbank

The Chicken Grilling Experts - Chris Wood and Bob Benson

The Corn Masters - Tom Richards and Bob Dennington

The Serving Crew - Keith Raser, Bob Dennington, Bob Becker, Jim Kevesen, Paul Palmeri

The Guys Who Did Anything They Were Asked To Do - Chuck Lombaerde, Bill Carpenter, Tom McKeon, Michael Sisko, Jim Keveson, James Keveson, Brent Dotey, Seth Dotey, Luke Dotey, Bob Dennington, Bob Ewbank, Dick Campbell, John Sybrandy, Bill Vealey

The Kitchen Assistants - My new friend Dorothy, Cathy Dotey

The Range Crew - Ray Wagner, Dick Decker, Bill Vealey, Tom McKeon, Bob Gallagher (Please let me know who else helped - I didn't get down there to see who was working)

Rip Off Tickets - Bob Rogers

50/50 and Bucket Raffles - Cathy Dotey, Seth Dotey, Luke Dotey

The Clean Up Crew (Also known as "The Power Couples") - Ken and Cathy Rosanelli, Jack and Kris Reilly, Doug and Suzanne Lutz

An incredible amount of work goes into preparing and hosting the annual chicken barbecue. I apologize if I forgot to mention anyone. Please let me know if I did.

Also, thank you for everyone who donated items for the Bucket Raffle. We raised $250. for the Scholarship Fund.

I'm pooped and heading to bed (if I can get up the stairs)! See everyone soon!




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