~Chapter 4: After the Battle~


~Chapter 4: After the Battle~

“Quick, Sylvanos has fallen in the gully and was wounded by a minotaur! He’s having trouble swimming, and won’t make it much longer! I fear his legs are broken!”

Dashing off with Ariel, Elqior sprinted down to the gully, and, stripping off his equipment, dove the twenty-odd feet down to the water line.

“Be careful!” Ariel cried. “Watch for the undertow on your right! Sylvanos disappeared there!”

Gasping for breath, Elqior drove to his left, fighting the lethal current. He fought with every strand in his body against every rope of water as it fought to pull him under. Panting, he regretted not having leapt in further down the bank. Horror filled his being as the current pulled him around so he was facing Ariel, then sucked him under.

He opened his eyes to a ghostly and surreal world, and could only watch in horror as his vision fell into submerged weeds, their grassy stalks enveloping his body and welcoming it to the deeps. Expecting death, he gave in to the current, and relaxed at last.

It was not to be however, and he was shocked as a second current bore him upwards, albeit much farther downstream then were he had been.

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