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Wolf Creek Quarter Horse Ranch Links

About Wolf Creek


Our Stallions


Our Mares


Our Youngstock


Our Foals


Contact Mich img

Welcome to Wolf Creek Quarter Horse Ranch!

Here we specialize in the working western horse. We started out as just a stock horse facility but we have now opened our doors to horses bred and desinged for the working western. We currently have Quarter Horses, Paints, Arabians and Morgans.


Our goal here at Wolf Creek, is to breed the excellence for reining, cutting and working cow horse. We have selected well bred horses of each of these breeds and brought them to our ranch to help start a wonderful foundation program! We are anxiously excited to have our first major foal crop coming up in 2007! We have a couple of outside stallions breeding to some of our mares but we have focused on getting our stallions promoted by breeding them to our mares! So keep an eye out for those 2007 foals that will be arriving starting in about January 2007.


We are a proud to announce Wolf Creek Quarter Horse Ranch has branched into Thoroughbred racing! We have a new facility called Fast Track Estates. There we will be producing a small handful of wonderfully bred Thoroughbreds and trained to do flat racing. So check them out!
This is all part of a SIM horse game called Horses Forever. NONE of this is real. If you see anything on this site that belongs to you and would not like to have it on here please contact Mich and I will be happy to remove it!