The Witches' Safe Haven
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Celeste's Page

I am looking to write a book on wicca. I am looking for one or two people to work with and gather ideas. If you are interested please e-mail me at Please only serious praticoners and no one who does black magic or devil worshipers. If you don't know what wicca is feel free to ask me or if you need advice about something. I'll be glad to help if I can. Thanks for visiting. I'll be updating this soon. ~Blessed Be~ ~Celeste Harmony~

A big thanks goes out to Rachel for answering my ad for someone who is interested in being part of writing a book on Wicca.
Also if you have any sites you would like me to place a link to just e-mail me at . If you need any advice about wicca please ask it in the guest book and be sure to leave your e-mail address. I'm getting an overwhelming amount of e-mail. Well, thanks for visiting I'm going to add tons more stuff soon. Well, check back soon for updates!
Blessed be

Coming Soon

I will be adding a faqs page. Please e-mail your faqs to with the sbuject of faqs. Also a shout outs page will be coming soon. Make that subject shoutouts. These pages will be added as soon as I begin getting emails.

News Letter

I am planning to start a newsletter. If you are interested in writing for it or signing up to recieve it please e-mail me at

Online Coven

I am hoping to start an online coven. If you are interested in joing please e-mail me for details. I am looking forward to your letters.

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