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The Power Staffs - What were these Things?

The power staffs were like secondary weapons or magic for the Visionaries, and to summon this power, a short rythme or poem-spell has to be spoken out aloud, no matter how stupid he looks(the primary weapons are of course the animal totems). Not all Visionaries had power staffs, but Merklynn, who gave these people the magic powers, told the staff-less Visionaries, that they will find out their extra magic as time goes on. Only 8 of the 14 Visionaries had these large, pole-like staffs. The staffs had screens around a frame at the top, and the appearance of this magic was conveyed on the screen. The appearance was blue for the Spectral Knights and green for the Darkling Lords. The staffs also had to recharged now and again, at Merklynn's pool of power. In the toyline of the Visionaries, the appearance of these powers were displayed by hologram stickers. Cool.

Reekon, Feryl, Mortdredd and Ectar found out their extra powers(bringing life to specific vehicles, that could not run in their era of the Age of Magic), however sadly we never found out what the female Visionaries Galadria and Virulina had for a second power. This is probably due to the series never getting completed. However, the comic might give us a clue what they could've been (see the 2 gal's profiles on this site). Here we go:

The Power of Wisdom Staff

Who Controls this Power?: Leoric, leader of the Spectral Knights(good guys).

The Poem-spell?: "Whispered secrets of a shattered age, I summon you, renew this sage!".

Description of Power: It comes in the form of a levitating Wisdom Owl that talks to Leoric in a haunting-type voice, and tells him where he might be going wrong in his leadership and fighting against evil skills. The owl is voiced by Hal Rayle, who also voices Arzon.

The Power of Knowledge Staff

Who Controls this Power?: Arzon, one of the cleverest Spectral Knights.

The Poem-spell?: "A whim, a thought, and more is sought... awake, my mind... thy will be wrought!".

Description of Power: It comes out as a man with a powerful upperbody(we don't see his legs) with a large humongus brain, and poses manly with his arms. He is called the Bearer of Knowledge. He tells Arzon about word's,places or things that the Spectral Knights don't know about. In the last ever episode "Dawn of the Sun Imps", he suddenly changes and becomes clown-like and unserious, but it was the Sun Imps that made this seem real. He is voiced by Jim Cummings, who also voices Witterquick.

The Power of Lightspeed Staff

Who Controls this Power?: Witterquick, the physically quickest of the Spectral Knights.

The Poem-spell?: "Sheathe these feet in the driving gale, make swift these legs, o'er land I sail!".

Description of Power: Comes in the form of a man with large wings on his head and is shaped like a tornado. You can only see his arms and upper body and he doesn't talk. He carries Witterquick inside the Tornado at intense fast speeds to faraway locations.

The Power of Might Staff

Who Controls this Power?: Cryotek, the strongest of the Spectral Knights.

The Poem-spell?: "Three suns aligned, pour forth their light and fill the archer's bow with might!".

Description of Power: A man pops out of the staff, and fires a bow and arrow in mid-air. The man does not talk. This is used to stun the Darkling Lords and break through tough materials.

The Power of Decay Staff

Who Controls this Power?: Darkstorm, the evil leader of the Darkling Lords(bad guys).

The Poem-spell?: "By what creeps, what crawls, by what does not, let all that grows recede and rot!" and it has another one for reversal of the spell "Power of rot, obscuring truth, what once was old, restore to youth!".

Description of Power: This is the only power with 2 poem-spells, simply because it would be too cruel in a kid's cartoon to turn them old, and no way back. It's for Darkstorm to delight in the punishment of giving young folk the struggles and physical hardships of being old. It is in the shape of a dragon or flying gargoyle that will conceal you with it's wings, and then turns you old. This old problem was highlighted strongly in the episode "The Power of the Wise" where Leoric almost served a life sentance of being old.

The Power of Fear Staff

Who Controls this Power?: Cravex, the most intimidating of the Darkling Lords.

The Poem-spell?: "O mist-filled pits, dark, dank, unclear, touch all before me with frost-fingered fear!".

Description of Power: This establishes itself as a giant spider, that will concentrate on it's opponent and cause severe hallucinations of fear, causing the person to be numb in terror. If you try to hit it, it will mutiply into smaller spiders, making life even worser for you. It can cause you nightmares in sleep as well.

The Power of Destruction Staff

Who Controls this Power?: Cindarr, the brawniest of the Darkling Lords.

The Poem-spell?: "By nature's hand, by craft, by arts, what once was whole now fly apart!".

Description of Power: A huge Godzilla-size muscular monster ventures out and destroy's everything in it's path, so Cindarr has to be careful when he summons it. Through time, Cindarr was more able to control it more and even teach it new, gentler tricks. It doesn't talk, just makes disturbing noises.

The Power of Invulnerability Staff

Who Controls this Power?: Lexor, the most vulnerable of the Darkling Lords.

The Poem-spell?: "The arrows turn, the swords repel, let nothing pierce this mortal shell!".

Description of Power: This is mainly a giant man of steel with a spiked head who will protect Lexor and the Darkling Lords, sometimes protecting Lexor from being hit or stop rubble falling on the Darkling Lords heads. He does not talk or attack anyone, he just...defends.