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Fantasy World

"Zane! Get back here, before I....." Innie the white fairy yelled out to her her human friend, Zane.
"Before you what?!" Zane laughed running through the densely thick forest of Enchantment.
"Before I cast a spell on you that will make you turn into stone, then I will be able to catch you!" She cried, even though Zane new Innie would never do such thing. Zane turned around almost tripping on a tree branch that stuck right out of the soil. Zane didn't see his fairy friend anywhere between the tree branches and leaves that wove around like a spiders web, it truly was enchanted. Zane had played a nasty trick on Innie for fun, though he didn't know it would make her this upset. She had chased him in circles in the Enchanted forest, trying to get back at him. But she had no success. The forest was so big and dense that so many lost there way. All you could see was trees, leaves, and bushes. It was all so thick you couldn't even see the sky when you looked up. But Zane had lived here his whole twelve years, he knew the place like the back of his hand. He had never once lost his way, even when he was a small child. Zane felt something prickling his back. At first he thought it was a branch. But then he reached back in terror. "Ah! spider!" He swapped at his neck and brown hair.
"Hahaha! Will you ever like spiders?" Innie laughed with satisfaction. It was only Innie tickling his neck, getting her revenge. she laughed more and more, that in the end Zane joined in. Gasping for breath Zane sat down on a tree stump, Innie, being so small, made herself comfortable on his shoulder.
"I got you good!" She giggled.
"Oh yeah? I think I got you better." Zane said sarcastically.
"Whatever." Innie disagreed.
"Quite." Zane said putting a single finger to his lips.
"Your not getting me again!" Innie snarled.
"No really! I hear something." He said almost in a whisper. Innie heard it now, it sounded like the wind.
"Zane, are you having hearing problems? It's just the wind blowing through the trees." She said.
"No it's not! I don't feel the wind, and there is no rustling of leaves." He said looking around himself. As if someone would jump out of the bushes any second and pull a prank on them like he did on Innie. Zane sat up, making Innie lose her balance and falling over, but good thing fairies have wings. Zane followed the the strange sound. Innie thought he was being weird, but she still followed him. Flying right behind Zane, making little sparks behind her. Like every fairy in Fantasy world. But Innie was different to those other flying creatures. Fairies in the wild hated human beings. They spat in your face, buzzed in your ears, and laughed at you. they stayed far away from the outside world, in there cozy little nests they made from twigs and feathers, just like birds. Some fairies bared magical powers, while others just flew about not much different from the humans themselves. Innie was one of those fairies that bore magical powers. And she had befriended a human beging, she thought the wild fairies were ridiculous and stayed far away from them as poss-able. She was more like a tom boy too, she always wanted to do everything Zane did, though she couldn't do much because of her size. She had long golden blond hair and wore a white fairy dress, her wings were transparent just like a dragon fly's. And at night, she glowed like a firefly. Zane was only peasant boy of twelve. His father had died when he was only three and he lived in a little wooden cottage in the woods with his mother. His only friend was of course Innie. With each step Zane took the noise got louder and louder. He could hear it better now too, and of course it wasn't the wind. It sounded like breathing, but it was so deep and loud and a little raspy. Whatever creature it came from, it was sleeping. Zane pushed away twigs and branches in his way. And finally he came to the big Field he and Innie sometimes went to play in. But for it didn't feel as big anymore, a dragon, a dragon as big as Zane's house, was sleeping in the clearing. His scaly skin a dark blue, his wings folded over his back, his tail curled around him like a cat that was in a deep sleep also. "Oh my!" Innie breathed, "He... he looks, he is so big!" She stamper-ed over the words as if she couldn't get them out fast enough.
"Yea." Zane said taking another step forward, like something was making him do so.
"Are you mad!?" Innie cried out to him, staying right were she was, to afraid to go next to such a big beast. "Your going to wake it!" but Zane kept taking one baby step at a time towards the sleeping dragon. Innie folded here arms around her chest as if it would offer her some protection. And fluttered there in mid-air, not trying to make a sound. Zane was so close to the dragon now, he couldv touched it. He is truly mad, Innie thought as she watched him. He's afraid of puny little spiders, but not a huge mean looking dragon, she looked at him uneasy. What happens if it wakes up? Would it be angry? Would it even eat him? She was to afraid to do anything, as if her slightest movement would disturb it. "Zane come on!" She murmured to herself. But he didn't come. He looked at the dragon with such wondering eyes. He almost looked like a child that just got a toy he always wanted.
"He is so beautiful." He whispered to himself. Oh, how much he wanted to touch it and stroke it's ruff scales, how much he wanted to! But it might have been Innie's frightful gaze that made him not do it. But then Zane looked at the dragon's belly, what he saw shocked him so much that he felt so sorry for the poor dragon. There were gouges, five of them. Blood seeping through them too. He couldn't help it anymore, he reached out his hand and stroked the dragon's long neck. Innie turned so pale, as pale as the clouds. Not because he was petting it nor because the scratches on it's side. No it was far worse then any of those, the dragon opened up it's cat like eyes, it wasn't asleep anymore!
To be continued...
By: Ariel