I'm Fine

Farmer Joe is suing a trucking company over injuries he suffered in an auto accident. The company's lawyer begins his cross-examination.

"Is it true that at the accident scene you said, "I'm fine?"

"Let me explain", pleads the farmer. "I had loaded my mule Bessie into the trailer and was driving down the road when this truck crashed into us. I was hurt bad. When the trooper came on the scene, he heard Bessie moaning. He took one look at her, pulled out his gun and shot her right between the eyes.

"Then he walked over to me with his gun and asked, 'Your mule was in such bad shape I had to shoot her. How are you?".

Reader's Digest April 2003 Laughter The Best Medicine

Silent Treatment

A man and his wife were giving each other the silent treatment. After a week of no talking, the man realized he would need his wife to wake him for an early morning fishing trip.

Not wanting to be the first to break the silence, he wrote on a piece of paper, "Please wake me up at 5 a.m."

The next morning the man arose, only to discover it was 9 a.m. and he'd missed his trip.

Furious, he was about to go and find his wife when he noticed a piece of paper on his pillow. It read: "It's 5 a.m. Wake up!"

Jim Poage Reader's Digest Nov. 2003 Laughter The Best Medicine

How Embarrassing!

Excerpts from "How Embarrassing" Parents Magazine November 2003 Issue

I was in the drugstore with my 3-year-old grandson, Ben, when a woman wearing a fur coat stood next to us. Ben took one look at her, tapped her on the arm, and said,"Lady, you've got hair all over your coat."

Joanna Bruno;Collierville, Tenn.

One day, I took my three children shopping. As I browsed through some clothing racks, I heard a big crash and turned around to find a mannequin lying on the display table. Horrified, I asked my kids what had happened. My then 3-year-old daughter sheepishly replied, "I was just taking her for a walk."

Jennifer Monroe, Barberton, OH

One evening, my husband and I were entertaining several clients, one of whom was a litttle overweight. During dinner, our 3-year-old son patted the man's stomach and asked, "Do you have a baby in there?"

Signe Rockne-Stimson Breckenridge, CO

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