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Stories by heart


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Thank you every one for visiting. I love to write stories and read stories. So i made this site, so that i may share my ideas and stories with others. This story i am going to past is my story, but it is a re make of the movie so some of it is not mine. This site is for people who love to read and write, and not being perfect also have problems with spelling, grammar, stuff like that. Not every one is perfect. I saw the movie Troy and it was so sad, that i had to change it. So here is a taster of the first chapter (the first chapter is never the best) so please be kind with any comments you are going to make.

Disclaimer I do not own these fine characters. I only own the four girls. … I would like to thank viv, for helping me with this. [AN: Hello, everyone. I am writing this story because of the movie “Troy” that I saw. It was so sad, and I love Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom (but who doesn’t? lol jk). I thought it was sad and I wanted to change it, so this is what I am doing. Hopefully it will turn out how I want it. It is a very hard story to write and actually to get it close enough to seem realistic. lol. Well, enjoy. [A/N: The next chapters will include some parts you recognize from the movie. The story is basically about four girls, who have a mission to go into the past and save Troy, Achilles, and Hector. The girls, in order to properly save Troy and do what they are supposed to, must re-live some of the events, which means they take the places of different people. They do what that person did, and then change it. They use the knowledge that they already had. But there are some unexpected turns for them, things that are not supposed to happen. Now if you are still confused you can e-mail me at or ‘true love2112’ E-mail your question and I will post the answer on the next chapter or e-mail back to you. Thank you… enjoy.] Chapter 1: Troy It was a hot simmering day, and Paris and Helen were sitting in the garden. It had been about a day since he and the Queen of Sparta had run away together. They were waiting to hear news of Sparta, whether people from that kingdom were coming for their queen. Paris was truly scared of what his infatuation would do to Troy, the place he had grown to love. “Paris, Hector wishes to speak to you,” Maryl said as she walked up to the Paris and Helen. “Maryl, I am so pleased to see you! You did not attend the welcoming when I came home. You did not get to meet Helen.” Paris smiled at his friend. “You are very beautiful. Paris is quite a good guy. So, I am sure he will treat you rather well. But if he doesn’t, then tell me… I’ll deal with him for you,” Maryl giggled playfully. “Thank you. I will be sure to inform you. You are very pretty yourself. Especially with a little make up,” Helen said to the friendly beauty in front of her. Maryl had beautiful, long golden hair that hung with beautiful curls to her lower back. Today it was curls; her hair seemed to be different styles on different days. She had the clearest blue eyes that were as a soft powdery blue. They were as pure and harmless as a snowflake and as mysterious as a riddle; they were mystifying and intriguing, as if they held a secret. She had deep rich lips that looked like candy. They were magnetic and called people to her. She had white skin with the hint of tan. Her skin seemed of silver in the moonlight. She had a silver hint to every part to her. Her eyes glowed, her lips sang, her hair shone. She was the most attractive of people. She had a beautiful voice. She was the sweetest person that anyone had ever talked to. She had a heart of gold and silver. She loved talking to people and making friends. Everyone loved her. That is why the king had taken her and her friends in when they where wandering on the beach. The king had talked to her and found her more than worthy enough to stay with them. He loved her as his own daughter. “Thank you. I suppose you are very kind,” Maryl said to Helen. “You are very welcome. You are truly a nice girl. We should talk sometime,” Helen said to Maryl. “I would very much enjoy that,” Maryl said, smiling. “We found her on the shores with her friends about a month ago,” Paris said. “Ever since then we have been friends. She is truly a good friend. She is like family to me. Father also thinks so. He calls her his daughter. He says that the gods blessed him the day they brought the angel, meaning Maryl, to him.” “Yes he treats me as his daughter,” Maryl giggled. “No, he calls you his daughter. I think he has forgotten you are not,” Paris laughed again, joking with her. “Yes well … I am very honored to be your sister then,” Maryl joked back. He smiled at his friend then took his leave so that she and Helen could talk. “He is truly a wonderful man. Well, a young man. How old is he again?” Helen watched Paris leave. “He is about 20 I believe. Yes he is quite a nice young man. He saved me a couple times, nothing major. Well mostly it was Hector saving me. He is also a nice man himself. But Paris and I were a couple when I first came here. He felt too much of a brother to me and I felt too much of a sister to him, so we agreed to quit dating. The king was very sad that we were only attracted physically. Now we are best friends, and we also are brother and sister, I suppose. But he and I are much happier now. I do believe he loves you. I watch him watch your every step.” Maryl smiled at Helen. “Well he is a sweet guy, and I do love him as well. Why did you guys leave each other? And, well, do you like some one else now?” Helen looked at Maryl. “No, there is no one else. I don’t need a man, unlike most of the woman. I am still quite young. I am going to wait until I am sure that I am in love.” She smiled at Helen. “How old are you?” Helen asked. “I am sixteen I will soon be seventeen. People say I am much to young to fall in love. They say I will not ever be married if I don’t start looking for a proper husband now. They say I am so pretty, and that I should look now while every man wants me and before I get old and no man wants me. But I am not ready.” Maryl started to cry. Helen hugged the crying girl. “Don’t cry. You don’t need to do anything you don’t want to. You are a sweet girl. You will make the guy you love the happiest person in the world,” Helen said, still hugging the crying girl. “Thank you… I don’t want a guy to love me for my looks. I hope you and Paris get married, so we can be sisters.” Maryl stopped crying. “Thank you. I hope so to,” Helen said as every fear that Maryl had feelings for Paris died away.
