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sacred ashes-by elizabeth griffin dost book one 1970 Chapter1 pg's1-8 Pope Joseph was getting old. He lives in the vatican with 3 nuns,and 3 priests. Pope Joseph didn't feel good and wanted Father Peter to pray for him today. Father Peter was murdered. Was suppose to give soemone a folded paper buyt when the man came and got the paper, he stabbed a devil dagger into his chest. Chapter2 pg's 9-10 Sister Catherine and the Pope prayed and talked about Samuel. Chapter3 pg's 11-14 Samuel was a priest in a mission in Guetemala. Father Aaron came to talk to the Pope, and he said that all the missions and orphanges in Guetemala were burned. 27 priests, 39 nuns, 51 children were lost. Pope Joseph ened up dying instantly when he started to cry alone in his room. he gasped for breath and his left ventricle exploded. Chapter4 pg's 15-20 Sandra has the baby Samuel and decided to keep him undetected. She'll raise him Jewish and change his name to Jonathan 2000 Chapter1 pg's 21-24 Taylor Avery was a reporter in training and she was at the beach takin pictures when there was a gurl drowning. The lifeguards go ther and took her to her scarded mother out of the water. They started to give her cpr, but there was no pulse. A strange man came, put his hand on her head and then she opened her eyes and coughed twice. She was alive. Then he disappeared from the scene as Taylor began taking pictures of him as he left. Chapter2 pg's 25-26 The man was Jonathan Aronstein, the boy who used to be Samuel when he was younger. After that incident at the beach he pulled over because his body began to shake then he fell asleep. when he woke up that night, he didn't have no memory of whut had happened earlier. He thought he was getting the headaches because he was working to much. His father was dead and his mother was in kemotherapy for cancer. Chapter3 pg's 27-32 Taylor went to her ex- b/f's house. He was a professional photographer. She got the pictures developed and looked at them. She got his liscence # from one of the photos. She wanted to find out his name and talk to him. Chapter4 pg's 33-34 Taylors editor Bob called and asked if she was at the scene at the beach and she said no because she wanted to keep the story for herself. Chapter5 pg's 35-38 Jonathan visted his mother at the hospital that day. She knows about how he is special and even when he was younger he brought his dog Charlie back to life after getting hit by a car. But night after that he get's a headache, falls asleep and doesn't remember anything. Chapter6 pg's 39-42 These men Arnold and Johan found the articles of the man who saved the little gurl. Those were the men who killed all the children in Guatemala. One was the man that murdered Father Peter.(had a devil earing) They found out that JOnathan was still alive so they said that they would talk to him, and if he did't cooperate that they would kill him. Chapter7 pg's 43-46 Taylor met up with Paul at a breakfest place and he found out that the car belonged to his mother. Taylor still loved Paul and he still loved her. But she ddin't know what to do because he had an affair with some other gurl Ellen. That's why they broke up. Chapter8 pg's 47-50 Taylor stayed out on a stake-out in front of the Aronsteins house for 3 days until she jsut went up and knocked on the door. She found out that his name was Jonathan. The helper of the house said to call some other time and talk to the mother. Chapter9 pg's 51-54 Johan and Arnold got together a group from the cape to try and find Jonathan. Chapter10 pg's 55-58 Taylor got home and wrote a letter addressed to Jonathan but sent it to the mothers address since she did not know where Jonathan lived. She thought that the mother would give the letter to him. Chapter11 pg's 59-60 Taylor read the enterprise about 2 weeks later and saw the headlines say that Sandra Aronstein had died. She found out where the funeral would be then she decided to go to it and follow Jonathan back to his house. Then wait a few weeks and give him a call. Chapter12 pg's 61-64 Jonathan found the letter at his mothers house and put it aside to read later. Chapter13 pg's 65-70 Jonathan went to St. Marys church to talk to Father Kelly about the wake and the funeral for his mother. Chapter14 pg's 71-74 Jonathan and Stella (the maid) went to the funeral and at the end Jonathan started to get a horrible headache and was hallucinating that his hands and feet were rough and bloody. Then he lost consiousness. Chapter15 pg's 75-80 Jonathan read Taylors letter and called her and left a message on her answering machine. Father Kelly went to Jonathans to ask if he was ok. Chapter16 pg's 81-84 Johan and Aronld had their next meeting after 2 weeks but all they got was one of the lifeguards #'s from the beach that day. Chapter17 pg's 85-88 Taylor went over to Pauls then left. She was so sad because her feelings for him kept getting stronger. Then she went home and got the message on her phone from Jonathan. Chapter18 pg's 89-92 Jonathan went back to Cambridge and went to work. Chapter 19 pg's 93-96 Jonathan met with his patient Leevan. A big tall chubby black man. Chapter 20 pg's 97-104 Taylor got a call from Jonathan and he said to meet him at the soup kitchen. When she got there she told him the whole story at the beach. Cahpter21 pg's 105-114 The man Eric (one of johan and arnolds helpers) went over to the little gurls house that Jonathan saved on the beach. The mother told him that a man saved her and when Ashley(the little gurl) came in the room she didn;t talk to Eric. She saw darkness over him and knew that he was evil. She knew alot of things, but would never tell anyone anything, not even her mother. She took out a picture of Jesus, kissed it and said "your secret is safe with me" Chapter22 pg's 115-122 Taylor was at the soup kitchen and she found out many people came around there to hear Jonathan preach. She also heard him preach. Chapter23 pg's 127-136 Arnold and Johan met up with Eric and he said that he got a hold of the cop who tried to pull over a man speeding away from the beach that day of the incident. Chapter24 pg's 127- 136 Paul went back to his appartment. He had left a message on Taylors answering machine telling her to coem over. He was goign to tell her that he needed her and that he loved her. But then 3 men (aronld, johan, and eric) messed up his whole house and pointed a gun to his head. They asked his what the mans name was in the pictures from the jeep. He said he didnt know, so the killed him. Leevan, Jonathan, Taylor were on their way over there and Jonathan knew something was wrong so he told them to hurry up. When they got their they saw Paul in a pool of blood. Jonathan did another miracle and brought him back to life. Jonathan wanted to help build schools and things for children in Guatemala and knew if Paul went there he would be safe. So Paul left and told Taylor that he'd be back soon and said said that he loved her and gave her a kiss. Book 2 chapter1 pgs137-140 There was a gurl kimberly who went to Guatemala, her aunt had passed away in the orphage tragedy a while back. she was almost 13 and was born with a disorder where her sight would be gone shortly. her mother brought her to all religious places thinkin gthat a miracle would happen. when she went to Guatemala her mother left her and she was driniing a drink, she heard a voice that was telling her,found a box,and when she got back up she could perfectly. her aunt catherine was a saint and was granted with another miracle. chapter2 pgs 141-144 Cardinal Jose opened the box and found a letter from sister Catherine saying that she sent Samuel away safely with Sandra Aronstein which would be his mother. she said that they needed to find him again because he was in danger. Chapter 3 pgs 145-154 Cardinal Jose went to Rome talk about it with Pope Phillip. they assumed that the last Pope had done something recorded secretly on Samuel. they looked for many hours and found a small book under the floor boards. Pope Phillip was to read it by himself. he stood and read and found out that Pope Joesph had met up with a scientist and the scientist had known of a cloth that was found with a figure of christ with blood on it. so the scientist met up with people and they wanted to clone christ. so they did and thats how they got samuel. Pope Joseph knew he had to get him out of there, so he sent him to the orphange in Guatemala. chapter 4 pgs 155-158 there was a wealthy man named Norman. when he went to the stock market, he had a vision of an earthquake and people dying. later that night when he was watching the new he found out that his vision had happened at the same time in another place. chapter 5 pgs 159-162 there was a man Warren Thompson who was sitting at a table talking with many people when a piece of meat was wedged in his windpipe. he went to the bathroom and did everything he could to try and get it out. whe he was about to go outside for help he dropped to the ground and died there. chapter 6 pgs 163-164 when warren was in the stall he saw a dark shadow in the corner and he felt so aweful that he prayed for death. when he saw the presence from the corner coem toward him he was sucked from his body and taken into the light. so when warrens friend came to see if he was alright, he saw warren in a stall with his eyes bloodshot, and he said that he had almost chocked to death. the man in warren was excited to see Emily because he thought about sex, and then he thought to himself how it is time to get Jonathan chapter7 pgs 163-172 Taylor got a call from him thinking it was the great senator warren thompson, he said he was interested in the article in the rebel about Paul doing Jonathans work and helping out in Guatelmala. he wanted to meet with her tomorrow and she was going to bring Jonathan with her. chapter 8 pgs 173-182 warren was the devil ( the dark shadow that entered him) Leevon, Father Kelly and Taylor all heard a voice one night saying that Jonathan was Jesus Christ risen again. except when Taylor found out it was through Pauls image. chapter9 pgs 183-186 taylor met up with warren the next morning. chapter 10 pgs 187-194 Taylor went over jonathans with Leevon and father kelly and about 11 people appreared outside his house late that night to hear him speak. there was a boy who was born with a disease with his face and he wanted to see if jonathan could help fix it chapter 11 pgs 195-200 warren met up with Johan and arnold and talked about how they wanted to get jonathan. warren also had the devil earing on so he knew he was one of them chapter12 pgs 201-202 taylor read the newspaper and found out that paul was missing. she knew he was gone forever. chapter 13 pgs 203-204 this man norman keeps having visions about horrible tragedies that happen in the world. he sees a woman with red hair always in his dreams. chapter14 pgs 205-212 there was a charity thing that jonathan had set up. warren went with arnold and johan. an 8 yr old boy with the disfigured face went up to jonathan and jonathan healed him. chapter 15 pgs 213-216 a man and a woman came into the charity screaming jonathans name. they wanted to know if their gurl jessica would be together with them peacefully in heaven in the future. jonathan said because of your faith today you will be. chapter 16 pgs 217-224 norman keeps having those dreams and watched the news about jonathan and how he cured the boy. people were talking and saying that he was christ come again. chapter 17 pgs 225-226 the pope found an article on the web about jonathan. he was so happy to finally found him. chapter 18 pgs 227-230 stella was actually an angel watchign over jonathan all those years. she said her work was doen now. chapter 19 pgs 231-234 taylor and dan found the papers about the massacre in guatemala when jonathan was a kid. stella gave it to them chapter 20 pgs 235-240 the pope called jonathan and jonathan told him to come down to boston tomorrow. so thats when they are going to meet up chapter 21 pgs 241-248 norman had more visions and the pope came in on a jet book three chapter 1 pgs 249-254 jonathan was with taylor getting ready for the rally chapter 2 pgs 255-262 they started to talk at the fleet center and the pope told everyone that jonathan had been cloned. jonathan talked and his hands started to bleed and his blood dripped down his face, pertruding through his white shirt. warren knew that he would not be able to tempt him. he tried tempting his 2 thousand years ago in the dessert but he knew jesus would not follow him. chapter 4 pgs 263- 266 norman got shot in the back. (he was judas) jonathan forgave him for everything. chaos broke out. the shot was meant for jonathan but norman got in the way. eric was the one who shot it. johan and arnold had been watching tv and arnold found out that it didnt matter whtu they did. they killed all those people in guatemala for nothing. he then took out a gun and shot johan with 4 round of his gun then he shot himelf in the moth to end it. chapter5 pgs 267-268 taylor and dan and reverend adams went into a taxi and jonathan was taken to go in a limo with the president and the pope to go to logan airport to go to rome. taylor and everyone wanted to try and get there fast as soon as possible. chapter 6 pgs 269-274 warren couldnt take it he stood up and his eyes turned firey red. jonathan knew it was satan. satan killed leevon then he turned the plane into a firery cockpit. then the plane fell. people saw it fall and looked for the wreckage. they saw the plane in perfect condition. then they saw all the bodys charcoaled. but they never found jonathans body. chapter 7pgs 275-276 6 months later! dan kelly was having a mass, he was with taylor and they were going to burn the clothing in which jonathan was cloned from. when they set it on fier it rose in mid air without catching on fir e and then vanished.

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